World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Slash CombatLog (/combatlog)
6.8k DownloadsAuto /combatlog
DBM Voicepack(CN):Yoda
6.8k DownloadsDBM voicepack(mandarin)
Raid Command
6.6k DownloadsEasily create, change, and save raid assignments for each separate raid encounter in any version of WoW and communicate them via raid, whisper, or custom channel to your raid team.
6.6k DownloadsTakes a screenshot when you earn an achievement.
6.6k DownloadsKeep tracks of your raid improvement gap
Boss Mod Nameplates
6.6k DownloadsAdd the BigWigs and DBM support for the nameplates addons
Boss Banner Hider
6.6k DownloadsHides boss banner and/or loot list added in 6.2
AzerPUG's Interrupt Helper
6.6k DownloadsStructures Interrupts for a Group.
For the Horde! - esES
6.5k DownloadsPlays Sylvanas Windrunner yell of "¡Por la Horda!" from the BfA trailer
6.5k Downloadslfg helper
6.5k DownloadsAddon use voice to say cooldown and cast in a raid
DBM Voice Pack - Jingjing(Chinese Female)
6.5k Downloads7.3.5 WOW
6.4k DownloadsMute that annoying LFG pinging sound.
DBM Voicepack Yun
6.4k DownloadsA DBM voicepack from Yun
6.3k DownloadsGrid2 Plugin for Guarm
Premade Group Finder.Broker
6.3k DownloadsBroker Plugin for Premade Group Finder Addon
Looking For Group Filter / LFG Chat Filter
6.2k DownloadsLookingForGroup Filter is a tool to use with /join LookingForGroup to find groups without having to actively stare at the chat, instead of playing the game.
Zakuun Assist
6.2k DownloadsAssigns a raid target icon to each target of Fel Lord Zakuun's Seed of Destruction
Cartel Loot Priority
6.2k DownloadsAn addon to quickly see the loot prios of Cartel Blanche-Yojamba
AzerPUG's Boss Tools
6.2k DownloadsBoss Tools to make some boss mechanics easier.