World of Warcraft
13,268 Mods
2.3k DownloadsA Classic WoW addon to help improve raid team performance by automating the suggested improvement process.
Blizzard Raid Frame Raid Icons
2.3k DownloadsPuts raid icons on blizzards built in raid frame
Hit Combo Popups
2.3k DownloadsDisplays fighting game-style hit combo popups for Windwalker Monk's Hit Combo talent
2.3k DownloadsAnnounces to you when someone breaks a crowd control
2.3k DownloadsIs a., buff frame holder/mover. and is very lightweight & simple to use,
WyeSoft Deflector Shield
2.2k DownloadsMonitors damage absorption shields.
2.2k DownloadsPlaces a small /say notification when your character used taunt.
BigWigs Voice - Chinese voicepack (SatouYumei)
2.2k Downloads来自"再见一次海德林"(SatouYumei)的BW中文语音包.Bigwigs Voice - Chinese Voicepack (SatouYumei) is a Chinese female voice pack designed for the BigWigs Bossmods addon.
Powered Skills
2.2k DownloadsMove your powered skills on the center of your screen
Fiery Claws Tracker
2.2k DownloadsTracks the amount of Fiery Claws actual vs expected damage
Raid Rebuff Button
2.1k DownloadsMonitors selected buffs you can provide across the entire raid and prompts you with a button onscreen if any are falling off.
2.1k DownloadsLayout for oUF based on hank version
2.1k DownloadsCreates a macro that lets you eat your best food
For the Horde! - zhCN
2.1k DownloadsPlays Sylvanas Windrunner yell of "为了部落!" from the BfA trailer
Classic Raid Assist Ziggurat
2.1k DownloadsРазвитие аддона Classic Raid Assist
2.1k DownloadsAutomatically sets your role in parties or raids.
2.1k DownloadsFeatures: Effective Health, Aura White/Blacklisting, Proportionate Health Bars, Party Member Sorting, ...
2.1k DownloadsHelps you managing your heroism ability.
2.1k DownloadsNiceIcons
Soul of Iron Nameplates
2.1k Downloadsdisplays Soul of Iron buff on nameplates