World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Combustion Watcher (Classic)
2.1k DownloadsTrack when a Mage is using combustion and show cooldown
2.1k DownloadsFeatures: Effective Health, Aura White/Blacklisting, Proportionate Health Bars, Party Member Sorting, ...
2.1k DownloadsHelps you managing your heroism ability.
2.1k DownloadsNiceIcons
Soul of Iron Nameplates
2.1k Downloadsdisplays Soul of Iron buff on nameplates
2k DownloadsAuthor:Bulo, addon for world of warcraft
2k Downloadshighlight border texture for stealable buffs
2k DownloadsContinuation of the abandoned PitBull4_AuraBar addon
Runic Affinity Assigner
2k DownloadsAutomatically assigns markers to players with Runic Affinity on Fatescribe fight
1.9k DownloadsSimple addon for adding text to your buff tooltips to tell you who cast it on you.
Better Raid Buffs
1.8k DownloadsShow spell rank, stacking buffs, and party members of the same class auras on your compact raid frames.
Anti Wand of Lightning Shield
1.8k DownloadsAlerts you if a Raid member has the Wand of Lightning Shield debuff
1.8k DownloadsSimple addon to keep track of all your combo hits in a fight with KI sounds!
Details!: Sunder Counter Classic
1.8k DownloadsSunder Armor Plugin for Details
1.8k DownloadsSpell Cooldown Alert
1.8k DownloadsExternal CD Tracker and Caller
Jingsi Tools (JST)
1.8k DownloadsJingsi Tools is a fully functional and powerful tool for Raids and Dungeons.
1.8k DownloadsThe simple, lightweight way to keep track of buffs and debuffs!
1.8k DownloadsAdd timers for target's buffs and debuffs to the action bars
Baleroc Healing Monitor
1.8k DownloadsBaleroc Healing Monitor