World of Warcraft
13,382 Mods
Easy Frames
2M DownloadsMake your unit frames colored and glorious.
1M DownloadsReports on a configurable dashboard or to group chat on consumables, buffs, AFK, mana and many many others but in an intellig...
JSHB 4 - Formerly JS' Hunter Bar
1M DownloadsFormerly, JS' Hunter Bar
SinStats Character Stats
1M DownloadsComplete Character Stats and other game stats. Tracked anywhere on your screen.
Buff Timers
1M DownloadsShow accurate buff durations, with optional seconds and milliseconds
1M DownloadsRaidSlackCheck
Masque: Caith
1M DownloadsCaith skin for Masque.
1M DownloadsA unique raid frames addon, can provide a better user experience, better than ever.
1M DownloadsDroodFocus
TipTac Reborn
1M DownloadsAn Advanced Tooltip Addon (for TWW, CataC and Classic Era)
1M DownloadsDoT power tracker for Warlocks
1M DownloadsShow ItemLevel For Inspect & Party & Mouse & Bag & Bank & Auction & Merchant
Enhanced Raid Frames
940k DownloadsEnhance the built-in raid frames with Grid like functionality!
920k DownloadsDisplays statusbars with time left on rogue abilities
887k DownloadsAdds a status to Plexus for debuffs applied by Raid Bosses.
881k DownloadsInfo-center for maximizing Rogue DPS.
xCT+ Combat Text
879k DownloadsCreated for optimal performance in the toughest fights, a rugged combat text add-on is finally ready to be put to the test!
Masque: Serenity
862k DownloadsSerenity skins for Masque.
834k DownloadsShows buffs/debuffs on nameplates
766k DownloadsCore addon for doing basic and popular things in an intuitive way.