World of Warcraft
13,747 Mods
Mage Nuggets
5M DownloadsMage Nuggets is a utility with many useful nuggets to make the lives of mages easier.
Bitten's SpellFlash: Druid
3M DownloadsReplaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation, or 2) a maximum survivability tanking rotat...
MaxDps Druid
3M DownloadsDruid module for MaxDps addon
2M DownloadsBar for Energy, Rage, etc. Also Energy Ticker in Classic
1M DownloadsDroodFocus
Combo Points Redux
951k DownloadsNumerical and graphical display of Combo Points and similar buffs/debuffs. Also tracks Holy Power and Soul Shards.
ConRO Druid
820k DownloadsDruid ability rotation aid, class module.
716k DownloadsHighly configurable bar to replace the original Eclipse bar. It also can fire wanrnings when you gain/are going to gain Eclipse.
609k DownloadsBadKitty
Druid Bar Classic
572k DownloadsDruid Bar is a movable mana bar that keeps track of your current mana, even in a shapeshifted form like bear or cat.
448k DownloadsCalculates and shows your TankPoints in the PaperDall Frame.
421k DownloadsClaw is an addon for cat druids that simplifies gameplay and maximizes DPS by doing all your decision making
400k DownloadsCompact Buff/Debuff/Cooldown reminder
Destruction For Dummies
363k DownloadsDisplay the icon of the next spell to cast
Simple Combo Points
295k DownloadsA simple and basic combo point display
281k DownloadsAutomatically dismounts you at Flight Master or when mount error appears.
267k DownloadsNumerical & customizable display of current combo points.
257k DownloadsDotFocus
Vex Power
244k DownloadsAlternate Power- and Combopoint/SoulShard/HolyPower-bar
GSE - Elfyau's Druid Macros
231k DownloadsAll of Elfyau's Druid Macros (All Druid Specs)