- 0
9.1.5 Infrastucture Changes
#1067 opened by TimothyLuke - 6
[BUG] LibQTip Error
#1068 opened by Wisconsen - 2
[BUG] Editor sometimes shows spellID instead of spell name.
#1072 opened by NaomiErin - 8
translation issue [BUG]
#1053 opened by Gyffes - 0
[INF] Update GSE for Classic Era 1.14
#1060 opened by TimothyLuke - 6
[BUG]? Macros not available until saved again.
#1056 opened by manuel44147 - 1
Logged on today and got this message after importing a new macro
#1058 opened by rhyno920 - 1
#1062 opened by GaryREM - 0
Can’t delete version due - GSE not finding the version number correctly on some macros
#1064 opened by TimothyLuke - 3
Loading time
#1065 opened by pbb-nor - 0
[BUG] - joined random BG
#1073 opened by grand-lotus-iroh - 1
- 2
Getting **_Lua Error_**
#1089 opened by todd532002 - 0
Weird FPS drop and then crash
#1080 opened by Zen-Karma - 1
I have also notice when i change profiles in Evlui the gse debugger pops up every time !
#1082 opened by Timf63 - 4
[BUG]debugger. pops up when i change profiles in Evlui , thought I already mention this in here . sry if this is double !
#1083 opened by Timf63 - 1
[BUG] Macro variable (~~KeyRelease~~) didn't work in some conditions
#1084 opened by giform - 2
[BUG]debugger is popping open when i change specs
#1086 opened by Timf63 - 5
[ENH] Character specific timing settings
#1087 opened by Bud-the-CHUD - 1
[BUG] GSE is corrupting text justification of other add-ons (+ fix)
#1092 opened by tflo - 17
#showtooltip Does not work
#1090 opened by drakgoku - 3
[BUG] #showtooltip Does not work
#1091 opened by drakgoku - 1
[BUG] just happen on warrior
#1095 opened by Spydereagle - 0
[ENH] Optimise Load in time
#1098 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[ENH] Add extra gameplay settings for individual characters
#1097 opened by TimothyLuke - 2
Broken macro needs fixing. Tab Blank Cannot Save or Make New Macros (only on one toon)
#1000 opened by Elfyau - 11
[ENH] Drag and Drop Actions to change their order
#1009 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[BUG][ENH] When using this syntax, there is no icon here
#1010 opened by Tmalll - 2
#1013 opened by jimmy97131 - 0
[ENH] Reinstall UnitTest Framework
#1004 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[ENH] Random Order Block Container
#1005 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[ENH] Work around inconsistencies with ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA
#1006 opened by TimothyLuke - 9
[BUG] ViewFrame would cause Compile Template Frame to be in wrong place.
#1008 opened by Comicus - 2
GSE 3.0.42 Can Not Delete Versions
#1016 opened by LarryThiessen - 7
Random RED Blocks after using Disable Block function
#1017 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
[BUG] Can you revisit #1008
#1018 opened by Comicus - 2
[BUG] - Targeting / cast spell triggering LUA error
#1020 opened by denisciumbargi - 1
[BUG] castsequence order is incorrect
#1022 opened by ReglohPri - 1
all specs keep d/l
#1027 opened by tommhyk0123 - 17
[ENH] Is there away that you can visualize 1-X pause blocks. Weakauras cant peek in to your blocks
#1031 opened by woodgray - 1
Macro Errors
#1032 opened by Sritsod - 3
[BUG] Plugins load macros every reload instead of when version changes.
#1034 opened by Elfyau - 3
[ENH] Allow for macros to be "disabled" reducing resource usage for unused macros.
#1035 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[BUG] Clicking on "Add an Action Block" (using the inline menus) doesn't place it right under the focussed block
#1036 opened by xan2622 - 1
[BUG] Create icon not working
#1038 opened by Mirimes - 1
[BUG] Create icon not working/makes me see just first keyPress /cast (NOT castsequence!)
#1040 opened by Mirimes - 1
[BUG] Debugger not working?
#1041 opened by GaryREM - 1
#1046 opened by Aaraa - 0
[BUG] Very rare race condition prevented sequences recompiling after a /reload
#1048 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
#1051 opened by Afr0jax