- 5
Revising 000_1_12_Snowflake_Blood_Elf_Starter
#120 opened by CodingDino - 1
Testing the vessel - Horde
#121 opened by masterkain - 7
Night Elf Starter Issue
#122 opened by CodingDino - 45
Addon Crashing
#123 opened by CodingDino - 6
WoWPro_Leveling_Parser.lua Errors
#124 opened by Kriptoker - 10
Revising 000_1_12_Maws Human_starter
#125 opened by Urdui - 0
Bonkers on Minimize
#126 opened by CodingDino - 3
Revising 000_1_12_Bostons_dwarf_gnome_starter
#127 opened by savagefool - 1
Dependency tooltip
#128 opened by CodingDino - 1
Multiple quest objectives in a |QO| tag
#129 opened by CodingDino - 1
Multiple quests required to complete step
#130 opened by CodingDino - 1
Grind Step & XP Tag
#134 opened by savagefool - 1
Revising 000_1_12_Shinke_Tauren_Starter
#135 opened by savagefool - 1
revising: 002_30_31_Jame_Ashenvale.lua
#131 opened by splinkter - 2
Revising: 002_30_31_Jame_Ashenvale.lua
#132 opened by splinkter - 2
Revising: 002_31_32_Thousand_Needles
#133 opened by splinkter - 5
Error selecting "Reset Current Guide"
#139 opened by kristjin - 1
Error selecting "Current Guide"
#140 opened by kristjin - 3
Error on entering game
#136 opened by kristjin - 6
Taxi Module
#137 opened by kristjin - 1
Post Step Notes to Party Chat
#138 opened by kristjin - 2
Zul'Drak: More guidance needed in note
#141 opened by oathblade - 10
Map Coordinates
#142 opened by Brudert966 - 1
Error clicking on new flight path
#143 opened by kristjin - 3
Double check on |NC|
#144 opened by Brudert966 - 0
Dragonblight (Horde): Coordinate correction
#145 opened by masterkain - 1
Bostons Ashenvale guide
#146 opened by Razma - 7
Dragonblight (Alliance): Missing QIDs
#147 opened by pharsos - 0
"A Gnome's Respite"
#148 opened by CodingDino - 1
"Fate and Coincidence"
#149 opened by CodingDino - 0
"Free Your Mind"
#150 opened by CodingDino - 2
#151 opened by CodingDino - 12
QuestPOIGetIconInfo(questID) incorrect usage bug
#152 opened by CodingDino - 1
REVISING: Jame's Hellfire Peninsula 60-63
#153 opened by kristjin - 5
TomTom support for phased zones
#154 opened by gameldar - 3
Revising: 000_1_12_Bostons_dwarf_gnome_starter
#156 opened by Brudert966 - 15
Accumulation of Lag
#155 opened by CodingDino - 5
Profiles not saving
#157 opened by kristjin - 1
Button to open a copy/paste window with current coords/zone
#158 opened by kristjin - 9
Enabling scroll mode crashes game client.
#159 opened by kristjin - 1
Icecrown error on the quest "Free Your Mind"
#160 opened by damorrison - 2
QuestPOIGetIconInfo when checking in
#162 opened by randomgrace - 3
|PRE| Quest not being skipped Zul'Drak
#161 opened by Twists - 1
Number of Steps
#163 opened by CodingDino - 0
Automatic Training Sticky Step
#164 opened by kristjin - 0
Buy Item from Vendor Step with Button
#165 opened by kristjin - 6
Reset Guide error
#166 opened by Kailef - 3
Revising 002_73_75_Jame_Dragonblight (Horde)
#167 opened by CodingDino - 2
Override/turn off blizz quest tracker toggle
#168 opened by kristjin - 11
Comment lines within the guide section of the lua
#169 opened by kristjin