- 3
Unstackable items (eg. water buckets) behave badly
#63 opened by holdenli - 1
P2P tunnels randomly break
#64 opened by cpreh - 0
AE Multiparts Claim to be "Missing Channel" Even When Connected to AE
#65 opened by ghzdude - 1
Add back old interface terminal gui
#62 opened by Manuepolis23 - 1
Crafting Job uses too many bytes
#66 opened by PanSzelescik - 0
Feature request: ae2fluidCrafting integration in pattern interface
#67 opened by IGalat - 2
AE2FC bugs the information of how much liquid and drops there are with PAE
#68 opened by IGalat - 1
ME P2P tunnel doesn't connect on server, will not use given frequency
#69 opened by Knoedelwasser - 0
combine identical itemstacks in JEI pattern transfer
#70 opened by WaitingIdly - 2
Publication on CurseForge
#71 opened by Exzept1on - 1
Copying a processing pattern from JEI on top of a crafting pattern not working properly
#72 opened by Filostorm - 1
Autocrafting not recognizing valid substitutions
#78 opened by hjae78 - 1
Not compatible with Wireless Terminals or PneumatiCraft
#73 opened by RainbowTabitha - 0
Extended Processing Pattern Terminal (EPPT) deleting patterns when broken
#75 opened by Filostorm - 2
crash when i search certain items
#76 opened by MasterSloth1 - 1
ME Import Bus not working with Drawers
#77 opened by Krutoy242 - 0
Crafting Monitors Emit Redstone Signal When Crafting
#79 opened by CrossElectronics - 0
Push Card for Interfaces
#80 opened by Filostorm - 1
subnetted interfaces not pushing to connected inventories
#81 opened by sintken - 0
Blacklist fluids in Cell Workbench for Fluid Storage Cells
#82 opened by gehoernchen - 0
Fluid Interface + Fluid Formation Plane duplicating liquids
#32 opened by ghzdude - 1
Crafting slow on newest version (v43)
#33 opened by MaxistheSpy - 1
Null Pointer Exception
#31 opened by lxy-unnamed - 1
Crash when importing recipe from JEI
#34 opened by Jimmy469 - 3
interface with interface expansion card can't input patten from interface terminal at 3rd row and 4th row 1st and 2nd is ok just 3rd and 3th can't insert
#35 opened by akasia - 6
broken flux capacitor recipe every time login
#36 opened by akasia - 0
[Feature request] Level emitter / Crafting request support for 'k' as x1000 multiplier
#37 opened by asoftbird - 1
Compacting drawer bug
#38 opened by Leclowndu93150 - 0
ME Capability Adapter doesn't work.
#39 opened by BlackStone5677 - 0
Make the operation in the fluid terminal similar to the operation in GTCE
#40 opened by hyodocraft - 3
A pattern is still displayed on the network after it has been removed.
#42 opened by jk1895 - 6
Inconsistent Behavior With Storage Bus On Insert Only Mode
#43 opened by ebmusicman84 - 2
Crash on World Load
#44 opened by ghzdude - 2
Had two crashes related to storage buses.
#45 opened by jk1895 - 9
Crafting manager fallback config being ignored
#46 opened by HeatherComputer - 5
Crash and a bug with the conversion monitor
#47 opened by jk1895 - 1
Crash with Gregicality: Skyblock modpack
#48 opened by dimon7147 - 0
Right-clicking with empty hand on storage monitor causes non-fatal crash
#49 opened by ghzdude - 1
Some liquids are not colored on the Storage Monitor
#52 opened by hyodocraft - 0
Register items for config-disabled content
#50 opened by WaitingIdly - 1
Null Pointer Exception (with another mod)
#51 opened by Theoooooo - 0
Sever crash when connecting the fluid storage to any tank. Null Pointer Exception
#53 opened by perfectlogic3 - 0
me interface terminal problem
#54 opened by Manuepolis23 - 0
Rename ME Drive to ME Drive Bay
#55 opened by eiis1000 - 0
Feature Request: Config Option for Energy Cell values
#56 opened by Shattered2909 - 1
ExtraCPUs Crafting Storage Multiblock Not Recognised
#57 opened by WaitingIdly - 10
Items sometimes there, sometimes not and not removable
#58 opened by jk1895 - 3
Fluid emitter does not seem to count properly or works extremely slow.
#60 opened by jk1895 - 15
Power problem
#59 opened by jk1895 - 1
P2P Tunnels Disappear When Shift Right-Clicking with Memory Card
#61 opened by ghzdude