- 1
Error While the game is starting
#3426 opened by MadmaxGFX - 2
Schematicannon places slabs from "Just Vertical Slabs" with missing data
#3424 opened by IdrisQe - 5
Encased fan power wont work
#3425 opened by Graoe - 6
[1.18] GriefDefender Compatibility. Mechanical Drills don't fire an event
#3427 opened by muriplz - 1
Train Keeps Going Back And Fourth In Singleplayer On A Long Rail That Spans 5000 Blocks
#3428 opened by imlazytomakeausernamehelpme - 1
Organ cut off sound
#3429 opened by Matusz27 - 2
Make Zinc Renewable
#3430 opened by mrlyht - 0
Deployers should show the items that they are holding
#3432 opened by jaskarth - 3
Skipping Train Stations
#3431 opened by patryk3211 - 0
Long station names make the "X" in the scheduling UI difficult to click
#3436 opened by cem-yilmaz - 0
Train Auto-deconstruct
#3434 opened by Matusz27 - 0
Extended funnels don't stop belts from picking up loose items
#3435 opened by Zygahedron - 0
[BUG]The ghost water with `create:schematicannon`
#3438 opened by zyxkad - 1
Steam Engines and trains should consume resources to run.
#3439 opened by digitaltrucker - 1
Additional Train Signals for Manually Driving Trains
#3440 opened by getBoolean - 3
Mechanical Energy Storage
#3441 opened by promitheas-nikou - 3
Redstone can disassemble trains
#3442 opened by ClementsH - 0
Ambient Water noise disappears when wearing diving boots
#3443 opened by traveldesign - 0
Crashes while trying to render hexerei:crow as a train operator
#3444 opened by Friz64 - 1
Intelligent Components
#3445 opened by titanicjames - 0
Crashes server on Magma
#3446 opened by sall0-0p - 0
synthetic recipe
#3447 opened by winstoniou - 2
Add Ships and/or Airships in next major update
#3448 opened by CanBoy67 - 6
Displays on trains show next stop
#3449 opened by Haskellered - 0
Weather Display
#3452 opened by stanlabs - 2
error where game freezes up entirely randomly
#3450 opened by stevehello166 - 0
More than one connections of superglue destroys Gantry Carrige
#3451 opened by mariojuggernaut22 - 1
steam ships
#3453 opened by newbod07 - 3
chutes dont work on composters
#3456 opened by JurkoDev - 1
Help !
#3455 opened by Xlite2 - 6
Train Bogies are very FPS-heavy to render
#3457 opened by HB-Stratos - 1
das spiel stürzt schnell ab
#3458 opened by DasLauchigeDing - 2
More Bogeys
#3462 opened by TheCreateModGamer - 3
No smelting for crushed silver
#3459 opened by MR-Spagetty - 2
When running with create, the train of create will make a critical attack sound
#3460 opened by UQRARA - 0
3-side waterwheel lines break when water flow is stopping
#3461 opened by Ek-Videogames - 1
The max burnTimeRemaining of the blaze burner should be increased
#3463 opened by lu-jade - 0
ambient sounds are too quiet even when maxed
#3465 opened by EnderMelody - 2
MC 1.18.1 worlds begun with create version 0.4f cannot be updated to MC 1.18.2/Create 0.5c
#3464 opened by AccidentalBetaTester - 3
Cross-dimension train travel results in mis-navigation
#3466 opened by TheRealArchie - 0
Redstone Link pulses off when relogging sometimes
#3467 opened by miclol - 2
Have train throttle be controlled via a block on the rails instead of schedules
#3468 opened by GeggsLegs - 2
1.18.2 game crash
#3470 opened by mapyDayton22 - 0
Random Components
#3469 opened by titanicjames - 4
Crash with optifine
#3471 opened by MadStellar - 0
Crash after wrenching filtered funnel
#3472 opened by DrkShdX - 0
Staging recipes in either KubeJS or CraftTweaker with Game Stages causes the recipes (both shaped and shapeless) to be craftable as a shapeless Mixer recipe
#3473 opened by geza3D - 0
stuck in crash loop by a gantry shaft
#3474 opened by ericcristian - 4
Art: Catwalk underside textures mirrored/oriented wrong
#3475 opened by Ek-Videogames - 0
Crash loading world
#3476 opened by ar1810