- 0
Minecraft crashes
#3486 opened by LaurensTheDev - 0
Alex's Mobs' Catfish Cannot be Bucketed by Deployer, nor can it be spawned by deployer.
#3483 opened by Morgimely - 1
#3484 opened by createisgud - 1
Crash when loading with other mods
#3485 opened by Whaphil - 0
Track Switch Inverted
#3478 opened by Peekofwar - 0
Portable storages interface disconecting if minecart is too fast
#3479 opened by GuForbes - 0
Adding water particles
#3480 opened by Lolothepro - 0
Game freezes upon entering a village
#3482 opened by Foxren - 0
Improve logical sequencing of advancements
#3481 opened by TheRealWormbo - 0
Unable to load instance
#3492 opened by NeallCaffrey - 1
Steam Engine can't connect with shaft in multiplayer
#3487 opened by SAMURAJOO - 0
when I super glue the portable storage interface my game crash
#3488 opened by PedroUFirmani - 2
Potions with custom colors, descriptions, and/or lore do not preserve this data as a fluid.
#3489 opened by Random832 - 0
Bug with lecterns on trains
#3490 opened by Sheep7798 - 0
I can't oppen toolbox after put minecart contraption in them
#3491 opened by tinker495 - 1
Enchantment Descriptions
#3493 opened by mathgeniuszach - 0
Renaming Train schedule in a Anvil Bug
#3494 opened by DoctorFlux - 0
Missing mandatory dependencies: create
#3495 opened by xXjojojXx - 10
[Crash] Exit code: -1
#3496 opened by Dhazzo - 0
Uh... Mechanic, I think the pistons are too weak.
#3497 opened by Oakgear - 2
[1.18.2] Datagen of addon mods breaks when using AllTags class with blocks generation
#3498 opened by Lgmrszd - 0
[1.18.2] Problems with rendering of doors when activated with a redstone signal on the door
#3499 opened by CAMB-dev - 6
Crash when generated using IDAS, combined with Biomes 'o Plenty and Terralith
#3500 opened by DaXcess - 0
Contraption visual bug
#3501 opened by Parciwal - 1
Lack of item names
#3502 opened by DefomCode - 3
Advanced Railway Signals
#3503 opened by Peekofwar - 0
Mechanical arm crash?
#3505 opened by PukoPotPie - 1
Can't sit in chairs on trains or use shift to stop controlling the trains
#3506 opened by John-Adler - 3
Kaboom'd Toolbox Loses Items
#3507 opened by SaberMage - 9
Train loses carriages when travelling through a nether portal
#3509 opened by thompson937 - 1
Missing Furnace Engine in Forge 40.1.0 with Create 0.5.0 - 0.5.0c (1.18.2)
#3510 opened by CreeperHaed - 0
combine harvesters not working
#3514 opened by srdelri - 1
Crash (gantry carriage + rope pulley)
#3511 opened by BitcoderCZ - 1
Adding an option to disable zinc generation from natural world gen?
#3512 opened by MikeTheBuddy - 2
Swapping run and crouch (shift and ctrl) breaks schematic selection
#3513 opened by mattstreet - 1
Fatal NPE on global tick event with npc player
#3515 opened by tylerscallan - 2
lava bucket fueled steam boiler level dropping when refueed (blaze burners losing heat before being refueled)
#3518 opened by CZdigger146 - 1
[1.18.2] Item duplication. Effortless Building mod incompatibility.
#3517 opened by seanimusprime - 0
Keep items from toolboxes when dying with KeepInventory
#3519 opened by FaustVX - 0
Game freezes upon entering a village
#3520 opened by Foxren - 0
Placing any block with axels in it freezes the game
#3521 opened by Foxren - 3
#3522 opened by Graxum - 0
Funnel crash my game when leaving my base
#3523 opened by Arginou57 - 3
Rotating an extended rope pulley crashes the server and permanently break the world
#3524 opened by DLumina - 1
A way to make a turret using the potato cannon
#3528 opened by BowBoy1 - 1
Hovering over Create Wrench Crashes game
#3525 opened by AllDiagram4276 - 0
Toolboxes ranges is not consistent
#3526 opened by FaustVX - 2
Stations in Edit Mode Should Show Signal Block as Occupied
#3527 opened by Peekofwar - 1
Minecart contraption disappearance and invisible block collisons
#3529 opened by thekoot - 0
Leaf Decay From Schematicanon
#3530 opened by N8rtot