- 3
Kicked every time a create structure moves
#4383 opened by Gamingwithrandom - 3
Wiki page on custom recipes needs updates
#4382 opened by bSolt - 1
Gantry contraption with a powered mechanical belt attached crashes the server if it stops because there's something (like a block) blocking its path.
#4380 opened by sh1ku - 0
Chorus fruit fed to player using deployer causes teleporting
#4379 opened by unofficial-fish - 1
Wrong rendering of layered blocks with optifine shaders
#4378 opened by totallynotsoup - 1
Mechanical Belt Crash (no Optifine)
#4377 opened by JowMK - 0
NullPointerException while placing belts
#4376 opened by Zeitheron - 1
Deployer does not work in multiplayer
#4375 opened by Yorionn - 2
- 0
[API Request] Provide DirectBeltInputBehaviour to all blocks but not only SmartTileEntity
#4373 opened by Phoupraw - 4
Infinite Fluid Per-Dimenion/Biome Configuration
#4372 opened by DarianLStephens - 2
With train control,still assembly failed?
#4371 opened by Fantasy010 - 1
Item Vaults deleting items post V0.5.0h
#4370 opened by xXkungfumanXx - 2
Train crash when creating one
#4369 opened by kav0321 - 2
game crash by placing a belt
#4368 opened by Numbers949 - 1
mechanical drill and chunks (ftbchunk)
#4367 opened by pex666 - 1
Incomplete set of tags bypass
#4366 opened by OfficiallySp - 3
Encased Chain Drive doesn't properly apply rotation to blockstate
#4365 opened by yungnickyoung - 2
Game crashing on loading
#4364 opened by GrossSackTreter - 0
Belt Crashed Client SP World & Server - Ticking block entity
#4363 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 2
all stone brick variants changed textures
#4362 opened by ckkomi - 2
Allow redstone to control a chute/smart chute, or alternately, add a damper item
#4360 opened by brianfreud - 3
Could someone please help me
#4359 opened by UXZHreal - 0
Minor desynchronization between Hex Casting and Create
#4358 opened by kaylee-kiako - 1
Error when load
#4357 opened by wisquimas - 2
Train stations
#4356 opened by Anewri32 - 0
#4355 opened by Anewri32 - 3
Crash when fans under belt!
#4354 opened by Eventyria - 0
Door opening/closing delay between train arrival/departure
#4353 opened by Myron0117 - 4
Crash when use the Mechanical Pump
#4352 opened by MrStann - 1
Items vanish from Vaults after Server reboot for 1.18.2 (still happening after updating [Create 1.18.2 v0.5.0h])
#4351 opened by Fade-Alchemist - 2
over 100 mods, Keeps crashing. Any conflicts with other mods?
#4350 opened by BigBlown - 0
Crafting Support for Charm specific containers.
#4349 opened by TheAyes - 2
Casing Frame Block
#4348 opened by TheAyes - 5
Crash anytime Belt is created above hopper/chute
#4347 opened by iladrien-hub - 1
Placing Cogwheel Causes Crash
#4346 opened by dugsiii - 2
Redstone Link
#4345 opened by Kelso2121 - 2
Deployers and AuthMe
#4344 opened by fartunrus - 1
starting schematicannon on server crashes server
#4343 opened by hypermoth - 4
#4342 opened by ToroSlayer - 3
#4341 opened by TheKidThatCodes - 1
Crafting Blueprint Duplication Glitch
#4339 opened by JMPotionwiz - 0
Pipes and liquids
#4338 opened by MindamSer - 0
Fix the discord link on curseforge page
#4335 opened by MashedPutato - 0
I cant break item frames
#4333 opened by janSipiki - 0
Invisible Track When It's Going Up Or Down
#4332 opened by JayeConcord - 3
Outputs 2 buckets for a modded shapeless recipe
#4331 opened by Zonnne-Nolan - 5
Lag when looking at multiple Carriage Contraptions while using Shaders
#4330 opened by Myron0117 - 1
Load to Menu Crash
#4329 opened by KazumaKiryu2 - 19
[MC 1.19.2; Forge 43.2.3] Crashes when I open a world or create a new one
#4328 opened by AaronGervacio143