- 1
Broken and inconsistent filter slots
#4438 opened by ProtoProot - 0
Fluid tanks on trains get messed up after disassembling train
#4437 opened by nmills3 - 3
Only half of a double chest is accessed when the right chest is used
#4434 opened by crispeeweevile - 1
Rendering Problem
#4433 opened by Jack253-png - 1
Improved Redstone Links
#4432 opened by DarkenLM - 2
Ponder menu opens and crashes the game
#4431 opened by MrLemonJuice2000 - 1
Schematicannon has problems with blocks crafted using Domum Ornamentum
#4430 opened by Raulwicke - 2
Ponder Crash
#4429 opened by Spaz01 - 0
Internal Server Error
#4428 opened by CoziBlox - 1
#4427 opened by TeknoStyle555 - 0
Fix intermittent linked controller usage when placed on contraption's lectern
#4426 opened by villainous-j - 1
Deployer uses an axe to destroy Storage Drawers and can copy Drawers
#4425 opened by SkyIce0229 - 0
Bearings as Display Link Targets
#4424 opened by Ganpan14O - 1
game crashes with a rendering overlay error afer days playing with tthe same pack of mods
#4423 opened by James991630 - 9
Create mod NEEDS compability with Immersive Portals
#4422 opened by EletroKey67 - 3
Deployer kill mobs but the xp does not appear
#4421 opened by jusdekek - 9
Nixie Tubes with Train Signals don't show any color (white or red) when enabled shaders.
#4420 opened by iamliuzy - 0
Extract an interface from KineticTileEntity
#4418 opened by edgarogh - 1
Banners and shields with banners on them turn white when Shaders are on.
#4417 opened by TallNicoTheLost - 3
V 1.19.2 | LootTable
#4416 opened by Pidizzel - 0
Contraptions can only break ice that is on the ground in the overworld
#4415 opened by TropheusJ - 0
Missing textures
#4414 opened by NataBene2002 - 5
Server timeout after updating from create 1.19.2 0.5.0g to 0.5.0h or 0.5.0i
#4413 opened by UdoMorgenstern - 0
missing datapack mod:
#4412 opened by Victor18x - 1
Crash when opening world
#4411 opened by TheKidThatCodes - 1
Players can get infinity items by destroying blocks in residence with Wrench
#4410 opened by Zhou-Shilin - 3
Cant seem to get minecraft 1.19.3 to work with optifine and forge mods of the same version
#4409 opened by pjcgam - 0
Ingots of Experience and Blocks of Experience
#4408 opened by BenGoldberg1 - 0
At least one way to automatically repair damaged items
#4407 opened by BenGoldberg1 - 2
[Forge 1.19.2] Server Crash weird interaction with Computer
#4406 opened by madimaa - 0
90 degree rotations dont stop after 90 degrees
#4405 opened by minerguy341 - 1
[Forge 1.19.2] Server Crash when colliding Rope Pulley structure into wall using Gantry
#4404 opened by lili7h - 0
Engineer's Goggles don't function as a curio when there are multiple Head curio slots
#4403 opened by estoner6338 - 0
Leaves turning to glass
#4402 opened by NetherexioCJM - 2
(Minor) Items on Conveyor Belts display incorrectly.
#4401 opened by Emoti-w-1337 - 1
Crash when using freshly placed display board
#4400 opened by TropheusJ - 0
Effect of the fan on the water wheel
#4399 opened by Veksterosa - 0
[minor] stackable empty schematics in schematic table
#4398 opened by UdoMorgenstern - 0
Crash when traveling from the Nether to Overworld
#4397 opened by thanostrich - 0
Problem for 1.18.2 version
#4396 opened by Mememan214237 - 0
You still can use super glue in spectator mode
#4394 opened by ChenHaoYang0829 - 2
Contraption not working with Item Frames
#4393 opened by ItoKyoshiro - 2
Server crashes on player join due to invalid carriage_contraption position (NaN, NaN, NaN)
#4392 opened by Mechazawa - 1
crash with other mod.
#4391 opened by cfnnit - 0
Placing Deployer after installing MiniMOTD will cause the server to crash
#4389 opened by lgc2333 - 3
Game crash after a new update 0.5.0i
#4388 opened by JungleTryne - 5
Mechanical Harvesters not storing picked Salmonberries
#4387 opened by RobinCoyote - 0
Deployer on Resourceful Bees Hive only Yields Vanilla Combs
#4386 opened by Morty165 - 3
Dupe Basin using Weighted Ejector!1.16.5-1.19.2!
#4385 opened by T-splines - 2
slime ball dough glitch
#4384 opened by zack90518