- 2
crash on startup
#4690 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 11
EnderIO crash on startup, around mod ID mapping. "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException"
#4691 opened by solunareclipse1 - 1
zh_ch.guess file error
#4694 opened by jaysg - 0
EnderIO 1.12.2 zh_cn.lang error
#4693 opened by jaysg - 2
Crash in Wired Charger
#4695 opened by hasezoey - 7
crash when you click on a recipe in JEI
#4696 opened by KiraLinux - 1
Fluid Conduit crash with Immersive Engineering Pipe - MC 1.12 - EnderIO-1.12.2-5.0.25
#4697 opened by JennyLeeP - 2
dark clear glass and dark fused quartz does not seem to be dark
#4698 opened by scones - 5
refined storage destructor issue.
#4699 opened by Gamer95875 - 1
Add support for Agricraft with Farming Station
#4700 opened by kriNon - 32
[5.0.26] Strange Interaction with Rotten Flesh, Thaumcraft, Natura
#4688 opened by Plet53 - 4
*Staff of Levity* not working
#4689 opened by Philosyang - 7
Conduit Probe not functioning on bundles
#4703 opened by TheOtherMorzie - 3
EnderIO Farmer causing server crash
#4704 opened by Satellite27 - 1
Problem EnderIO
#4705 opened by Leodragon08 - 5
ghost like phase after using the telepad
#4706 opened by scones - 1
Wired Charger compatibility issue [?]
#4707 opened by TheQuadShot - 2
Crash when loading minecraft
#4701 opened by grydian - 5
Fluid tanks GUI does not work in multiplayer
#4702 opened by Tempus-Dominus - 4
Client crashes when joining server with a nullpointer
#4712 opened by kaosjr - 6
Elder Guardians treated as Boss Mob in Config.
#4713 opened by TheLargeCactus - 1
Intermittent crash at boot
#4714 opened by LemADEC - 2
Farming Station crash with Rustic Berry Bush
#4708 opened by NielsPilgaard - 3
Soulbound Enchant Not Working
#4709 opened by NielsPilgaard - 2
Missing Unpainted Stairs
#4710 opened by Boolyman - 5
CapacitorKey has not been configured
#4711 opened by PssbleTrngle - 1
Enhanced Combustion Generator and Combustion Generator
#4718 opened by bogie1989 - 2
[1.12.2] Conduit disassembling in creative voiding conduits.
#4719 opened by AnrDaemon - 1
Crashing Server when placing OC conduits (in loop?)
#4720 opened by NikkyAI - 12
Hard to track bug. Crash when someone else (?jumping?) in water with Dark steel armor
#4715 opened by Sakata-MC - 1
Advancement Error
#4717 opened by AlexDAM - 8
Using soulbound enchantment enchant's objects will brush many of the same items after death.
#4722 opened by DownPower - 5
Early game machines
#4723 opened by madkingdiamond - 3
Shift Clicking with Yeta Wrench Crashes Client
#4721 opened by SAFCxHarter - 4
EnderIO Conduits and Thermals FluxDucts not connecting
#4728 opened by leojaxx - 31
Crash when loading user recipes: CapacitorKey enderio:block_machine_base/no_power has not been configured.
#4729 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 9
Soul Bundler and Electric Spawner Unable to work after synthesis
#4724 opened by umbrella22 - 10
Console Spam regarding Fluid Conducts
#4725 opened by sfxworks - 6
Capacitor Bank I/O Display Incorrect
#4726 opened by znxster - 15
Client visual glitch after server update when looking at machines
#4727 opened by DatenThielt - 16
RF in Ender IO
#4731 opened by themaster5808 - 5
Farming station deletes saplings
#4732 opened by SplitInfinitive - 3
NetworkDispatcher exception - EncoderException: String too big
#4733 opened by Tollainmear - 5
Refined Storage connection is still working after breaking Refined Storage Conduit
#4730 opened by PanSzelescik - 2
Power Conduits break inside of Compact Machines on chunk reload
#4738 opened by patricide - 19
Ender IO - 1.12.2 - 5.0.28 Fatal Recipe Error
#4739 opened by RyanP1991 - 5
Loading crash with integrated cables.
#4734 opened by gary-conlon - 11
CTD upon loading S/P world
#4735 opened by CloWnicide - 8
Tinkers' Construct's Mattock not correctly working with Farming Station
#4736 opened by PanSzelescik - 4
Overuse of power when inactive
#4737 opened by Malcator