- 1
Crash if i change the liquid that the Remote Inventory Panel uses
#3755 opened by Susjin - 24
- 4
1.10.2 EnderIO energy stopped being compatible with ActuallyAddition/ImmersiveEngineer
#3758 opened by LordHellscream - 1
[1.10.2] Not Working With IE power?
#3759 opened by nephatrine - 1
Cable conduit
#3760 opened by ElTodoFull - 1
[Suggestion] Refresh Machine Recipe Configs In-Game
#3761 opened by CookieTrains - 5
EnderIO rejects invalid configuration ALL TIME.
#3762 opened by mrjewel - 15
[1.10.2] [Multiplayer] Capacitor banks Input/output sets itself to 0 rf/t
#3763 opened by MrNinja93 - 2
Clicking a TC Smeltery with a Wrench Clears its Contents
#3764 opened by Flexico - 1
ItemConduitNetwork#inventoryRemoved is not called on chunk unload
#3765 opened by Aaron1011 - 3
[1.10.2] Tesla ClassNotFoundException
#3766 opened - 1
Keep Crashing!! please help
#3767 opened by nsaynvaper - 0
1.10.2 (v3.0.1-120) Silicon from other mods doesnt work for redstone alloy
#3772 opened by LordHellscream - 1
1.10, Capacitor Bank not adapted to newer Baubles versions
#3773 opened by ArukaAlter - 8
Recipes config file recipe_materials.xml is invalid: Rejecting crafting recipe without any items, only empty spaces in <grid>
#3768 opened by mrjewel - 19
EnderIO-1.10.2- Conduit lag
#3769 opened by Vauxite - 2
Enderman Head glitch with Chisel2
#3770 opened by NielsPilgaard - 4
[1.10] Aversion obelisk not working with certain mobs.
#3771 opened by MrNinja93 - 1
Cannot Place ingredients in Soul Binder 1.10.2 (
#3775 opened by revdave33 - 2
Insulted Redstone conduit Suggestion
#3774 opened by Frost212 - 0
[1.10.2-] Liquid vanishing from TiCo smeltery system
#3776 opened by xenoflot - 3
Post dependencies on your release sites
#3777 opened by Rumpelstiltskinny - 6
Tekkit Minecraft 1.7.10 Pack won't load world
#3778 opened by SnowWhite8801 - 1
Item conduits causing Tick Loop
#3779 opened by jelaw21 - 3
[] Aversion Obelisk still permitting Mek's baby skeletons
#3780 opened by xenoflot - 1
weather obelisk - cant pump out / reset
#3781 opened by battlebovine - 2
Push / Pull feature sometimes broken
#3782 opened by KillaKlown - 1
Uncompatibility with Chisel2?
#3783 opened - 0
Dark Steel with Elytra Upgrade can make player fall through world
#3784 opened by Raumis - 3
A round robin Conundrum
#3801 opened by Haronobu - 4
Suggestion For Dark Armor
#3802 opened by TheyCallMeGreed - 4
Client disconnect from nether with entity ID 5
#3785 opened by Vectrobe - 3
Incompatibility with LightningCraft
#3786 opened by DatrixTHLK - 3
[1.10.2] Vertical Fluid Conduits Texture Missing
#3787 opened by Yandols - 1
[Request] Standalone Conduits
#3789 opened by GodsVictory - 1
[1.7.10] Lag with ME Conduits
#3791 opened by Eufranio - 1
Server lag due to Sawmill input recipes not cached
#3790 opened by LemADEC - 2
Farming Station does not completely chop down ID Menril Trees
#3792 opened by rubensworks - 2
Ender IO crashing
#3795 opened by joshua-kolby - 5
[1.10.2] Server thread crash placing Farming Station at Y=62 in a BoP Marsh
#3796 opened by xenoflot - 14
Possible Bug: Alloy Smelter fails to craft Conductive Iron
#3797 opened by Kaisoul - 1
Mod Interaction (reporting else where too)
#3798 opened by DnTheMn - 2
[1.10.2] Wireless Powered Lights turning into Regular Powered Lights after breaking them after chunk unloads.
#3799 opened by Yandols - 1
Error on start up
#3800 opened by MCTyler - 15
Powered zombie spawner weirdness
#3807 opened by Pallinaama - 2
MP Dedicated Server Crash
#3808 opened by GodsVictory - 4
Problem with Stirling Generator
#3803 opened by Reydenge - 15
AE ME Conduit support on 1.10.2
#3804 opened by Binero - 5
Charging an item in a Farming Station
#3805 opened by jazzpi - 3
Crash to desktop. Missing function??
#3806 opened by Vascar