- 1
No change in cloud cover
#42 opened by Heathlia - 3
Bug DOF (Latest github version)
#32 opened by ShrikerChestTree - 2
Feature request: Option to reduce or disable Nether and End fog
#33 opened by aleabodo - 1
Invisible Water When Using Physics Mod and This shader
#34 opened by OperationalOperator - 1
Can't see in the nether
#35 opened by LizTheMenace - 5
Vision whites out at start and end of each day
#36 opened by retropele - 1
#37 opened by FLEXORPRO - 4
wonky nether camera when using shader
#38 opened by NightbladeGames - 1
how do i use the shaders
#39 opened by hubbybubbybear - 1
Question: Pack in the screenshots
#40 opened by itsTyrion - 1
Feature request: add more anti-alias like fxaa or msaa
#41 opened by OutsiderH - 10
Light and volumetric fog issues related to glass
#43 opened by SkyrustWqq - 1
About an interesting thing of a window mod when I use this shadow
#44 opened by SkyrustWqq - 1
Beacon beams render on top of held items and entities
#46 opened by antieksi - 2
Temporal upscaling breaks nether portal frame rendering in the nether
#45 opened by antieksi - 3
Underwater view outside the glass wall looks buggy
#47 opened by ddodd123 - 0
Can't be used in the End and Nether
#48 opened by 21q0118 - 5
floating chest where player was when loading shaders
#62 opened by lioni-a - 0
Latest Bliss + Distant Horizons dev versions fail to load on macOS
#49 opened by hyphenzero - 1
Slime Mobs are missing their transparency layer.
#50 opened by aarontt20 - 1
Bottom faces in nether always bright
#51 opened by Pleune - 0
Error on entering nether/the end
#52 opened by SekiroKVX - 1
The entity's name title will turn black when the background isn't water or sky
#53 opened by RF-Tar-Railt - 2
Light appears around block edges in the dark
#54 opened by Macintosh-Fan - 7
Change sunrise/sunset times
#55 opened by Macintosh-Fan - 1
Things behind beacon beams are broken
#56 opened by ThatCuteOne - 1
Hurt effect on players does not work.
#57 opened by ThatCuteOne - 5
Broken sky sometimes on shader reload with distant horizons
#58 opened by Pleune - 1
Shadows not rendering with higher shadow distance?
#59 opened by Macintosh-Fan - 5
Entering the Nether/End crashes the game.
#60 opened by Macintosh-Fan - 2
Particles bug
#61 opened by TimeShadowStudios - 8
White Breaking Texture Bug
#76 opened by RandomKall - 1
Shadow density wrong when use DailyWeather
#77 opened by MaksymReshetnikov - 2
pixelated shadow, crash with a specific setting, and physics mod issues ()
#63 opened by ShuitOnDiscord - 6
Shaders do not load on Iris 1.7 on MacOS Sonoma 14.3
#64 opened by AnselmeMas - 6
Could you make this beta version shader support vivecraft?
#65 opened by NightCong - 0
water doesn't render sometimes
#67 opened by ShuitOnDiscord - 1
see through enchanted items
#66 opened by ShuitOnDiscord - 1
Any entities are displaying
#68 opened by Playichka - 0
Mesh normals for armor equipment are cursed.
#69 opened by seifunaru - 1
The sun through the leaves
#70 opened by Chocotea92 - 2
Lighting turning off when looking in angles, weird grids, sky not clearing each frame resulting in stacking/burn in
#71 opened by goober0013 - 0
immersive enginering bug
#72 opened by alexeik - 0
compatibility issue with first person model
#74 opened by ShuitOnDiscord - 31
Issue Loading Shader with Distant Horizons Beta
#73 opened by dupontinquiries - 8
Bright glow from enchanted items
#75 opened by TheLastPringle0 - 1
Clouds noise jerk while day translation
#78 opened by MaksymReshetnikov - 1
Seeing lines when using spyglass at the morning
#79 opened by WhoAmI4093 - 1
DH with minecraft 1.19.4
#80 opened by TitanGames-729 - 1
Fragment shader limit exceeded / Apple M2 / Distant Horizons
#81 opened by alexw9988