World of Warcraft
13,268 Mods
Combustion Watcher (Classic)
1.2k DownloadsTrack when a Mage is using combustion and show cooldown
Soulstone notifier 1UP
1.2k Downloads1UP soulstone notifier
Salvationed - Blessing of Salvation Remover
1.2k DownloadsAutomatically removes any Salvation buff that is cast on the player as long as the player wears a shield
Ability Macro Manager
1.2k DownloadsEasily manage abilities that are usually pre-assigned in a dungeon or raid, like Power Infusion or Misdirection abilities.
Incoming Damage
1.2k DownloadsCharts the last 30secs of incoming magical damage, incoming physical damage and self-heals so that tanks can learn which of their mitigations is best for the situation they are in.
1.2k DownloadsAutomates standing up when recieving a sit forced crit, thus allowing you to gain crit-recieve procs.
1.1k DownloadsAdvanced WeakAuras for raid encounters
1.1k DownloadsQuickly transform Worgen back into human form after combat with RP options.
1.1k DownloadsCleaned up & improved version of the default UI
IMC - Invoke Missing Consumables
1.1k DownloadsCheck all Consumables from Raidmembers and whisper them
Clique (closed, merged with original project)
1.1k DownloadsClique is a simple addon that enables powerful click-casting and hover-casting on your unit frames and in the 3D game world.
In the Buff
1.1k DownloadsShows who applied which buff to you, useful to find that annoying hunter!
1.1k DownloadsSizes (De-)Buffs on default unit frames
1.1k DownloadsRemoves annoying and unwanted cosmetic auras
1.1k DownloadsChanges reputation bar to match equipped tabard
1.1k DownloadsWill make dispelling on players affected by Taint of the sea easier on mythic difficulty
1.1k DownloadsTranslate World of Warcraft into Arabic language.
1.1k DownloadsBattle Resurrection add-on; Notification when any BR is used, also before pull on ready check.
1k DownloadsA nameplate timer for when mobs will die from dots
Jax Buff Filter
1k Downloadsfilter buffs off all frames