- 0
Chest, bell and create textures missing
#4059 opened by BC-OO - 2
Advancement not working.
#4058 opened by BC-OO - 2
1.18.2-40.1.85- forge server crashes, with only create in it.
#4057 opened by EnrikaB - 4
SchematicCannon Killed my World!!! HELP xD (.SchematicWorld cannot be cast to .ServerLevel)
#4056 opened by ijescobarj - 2
Game crash while breaking curved tracks
#4055 opened by luffypirat - 0
Washing ores
#4054 opened by HeraldOfTzeentch - 0
Add Boilerinfo to Creative Fluid Tank
#4053 opened by Gitcrafter - 1
Train cars freeze in multiplayer
#4052 opened by Onlyintexas - 0
Crash when moving adjacent belts with sticky mechanical pistons
#4050 opened by bwhited - 1
#4049 opened by BLAZINGKAT - 2
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 40 out of bounds for length 32
#4048 opened by mrdiamondmanguydudeman - 3
Ponder Keybind Conflict with InvMove Mod
#4047 opened by BLOKBUSTR - 4
Crashing on launch
#4046 opened by codebasel - 4
Ridiculous Log Spam (and lag) due to Striated World Gen
#4045 opened by DerCommander323 - 0
#4043 opened by PopKAf - 0
Sticker does not re-engage with mechanical piston
#4042 opened by ERNesbitt - 2
Fake log stripping ignores forge tool action system
#4041 opened by eerussianguy - 0
Conductor Hat Config
#4040 opened by Cu1sans - 1
Chest, bell, and create textures missing.
#4039 opened by BC-OO - 0
Game Crashes When Not Using Shaders
#4038 opened by Jimmy474 - 2
Game crashing when breaking Create items without wrench
#4037 opened by GuyFakes1 - 1
game crashes when andesite alloy collected from a basin
#4034 opened by WewDuck - 0
No sounds from Create are counted as vibrations
#4032 opened by AdalynBlack - 0
Netherrack Automation
#4031 opened by Aivech - 0
Crafting blueprints shouldn't be sensitive to different wood types
#4030 opened by Eourist - 0
#4029 opened by garipet - 3
NoSuchMethod Error
#4028 opened by mrdiamondmanguydudeman - 15
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.throwables.ClassMetadataNotFoundException: com.simibubi.create.repack.registrate.util.entry.BlockEntry
#4026 opened by shawny43 - 2
Crashing on launch
#4025 opened by BlueBird931 - 2
Allow exclusive filter on smart chutes
#4024 opened by GTG3000 - 1
Game crashes when I try to place or ponder the item
#4023 opened by BudderyShloofy - 0
When placing/interacting with blocks game crashes
#4022 opened by TheRealTV12 - 1
Adding 1.19.2 Fabric
#4021 opened by PossibleSnow - 6
Create Mod and JEI
#4020 opened by NovaxxiusYT - 1
Crash while breaking encased fan in 1.19.2
#4019 opened by loander - 0
More Bogey Types
#4016 opened by MrPigeontheCoder - 2
Hose Pulley glitch when unloading chunk
#4015 opened by Evrey - 1
illegal packet crash
#4014 opened by gryland - 0
Drills not dropping CC: Tweaked Computers
#4013 opened by th3impasta - 5
Deployer doesn't place anything
#4012 opened by gubl42 - 4
Game crash?
#4011 opened by Princeli1 - 0
Crash when placing schematic
#4010 opened by vedrit - 1
#4009 opened by sisyphuseagle - 11
HUD textures strangely disapears
#4008 opened by MightyBunch - 0
Animated blocks textures "explode" whn breaking some blocks
#4007 opened by tOhBGIT - 4
Crash when breaking a block from Create
#4006 opened by Overtekk - 0
Rose Quartz Lamp incompatibility with comparators
#4004 opened by pcisarace - 2
Config Option to Disable Bulk Blasting/Smoking
#4003 opened by The-Minecraft-Scientist - 1
new Forge+new Optifine = Crash
#4002 opened by RRimmer - 2
Schematicannon Burned My Creative Testing World
#4001 opened by gutteringHearthplace