World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
5.2k DownloadsSimple addon that automatically stocks reagents into the reagent bank.
Trap Raid Roller
5.2k DownloadsAn addon to keep track of rolls for Master Loot style looting after raid bosses.
BetterBags - Remix: MoP
5.2k DownloadsPut all your Remix : MoP items in categories! (Gems, Caches, Flasks, Scroll, Transmogs, and more)
5.2k DownloadsiTip
5.1k DownloadsCreates a single action bar button that dynamically shows the best drinks in your bags.
Show Item Level
5.1k DownloadsAdds labels showing items' levels on Character frame.
5k DownloadsAn addon that automatically loots items for you.
LinkWrangler Companion
5k DownloadsLinkWrangler Companion
Bag Ends
5k DownloadsA simple addon for the display of free inventory status.
LootZ - The Loot Wikipedia (WotLK)
5k DownloadsBrowse the entire loot table of any creature or object.
Openable be gone - Auto open containers
5k DownloadsAutomatically open all containers directly after looting them
5k DownloadsAutomatically sells all gray items and repairs equipment
Cleaner Loot Messages
4.9k DownloadsSmaller, simplier and lighter loot messages
z Tip
4.9k DownloadsItem / Spell / etc IDs in all Tooltips
4.9k DownloadsEasily search for any item in the game by name or search term
MudmenItemColors and MORE
4.9k DownloadsThis mod helps you Sort your items and adds colors
Master Looter Equipped
4.9k Downloadsaddon for the raid Master Looter, adds a tooltip with equpped items on raiders
4.9k DownloadsProtect against accidental sale
AdiBags - Warlords of Draenor
4.9k DownloadsAdds multiple (optionally colored) categories for the most common Warlords of Draenor items in AdiBags (AdiBags is required!)
AdiBags - Shadowflame Crest and Fragment item filter
4.9k DownloadsFilters the various types of shadowflame crest and fragments into it's own section