- 4
[Bug]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot be NONE precipitation type
#84 opened by kouji-ops - 1
[Suggestion]: Compatibility with TerraFirmaCraft Climate/Season/Rainfall
#85 opened by TheMiniSandwich - 13
[Suggestion]: Add Fabric Support Please
#86 opened by Big1N - 0
[Bug]: rain hitting ground particle in wrong position
#89 opened by Goofishguy22 - 0
[Suggestion]: Rain shadow effect, and other macro weather patterns
#90 opened by Mysticpasta1 - 4
[Suggestion]: CurseForge version pls (I need this for my modpack on CF)
#91 opened by Mysticpasta1 - 2
[Suggestion]: Wall Cloud & Shelf Cloud
#92 opened by Infinitekaosv3 - 0
[Suggestion]: Radar map and 7 day MC forecast
#93 opened by Mysticpasta1 - 0
[Suggestion]: Strong wind sound effect when storm cloud is above you
#94 opened by Infinitekaosv3 - 3
[Bug]: (Dedicated Server) after 2 weeks of running the cloud stop moving
#95 opened by VirtualGaming1 - 2
[Suggestion]: Compatibility with Tough as Nails
#98 opened by NovaLynxie - 0
[Suggestion]: Added snow/rain particle effect settings
#96 opened by thurder - 1
[Bug]: Game crashed on startup when Reforged formely Tiered is anlong side it.
#97 opened by TimmyWithTheBat21 - 1
[Bug]: Visual glitch when using Shaders + Simple clouds + DH
#99 opened by MCharles001 - 3
[Bug]: Conflict with CraftTweaker, can't enter the game
#100 opened by LMaxRouterCN - 5
[Suggestion]: Make the mod Free and Open Source
#101 opened by souldbminersmwc - 1
[Suggestion]: Togglable fog around clouds to make them more "fluffy"
#102 opened by souldbminersmwc - 1
[Bug]: Starting Game Error "Renderer Not Initialized"
#103 opened by Nice1m8 - 2
[Bug]: Rendering crash when storm is happening (?)
#104 opened by VelvetSorcerer2 - 1
[Suggestion]: compatibility and weather features.
#105 opened by CobaltGlacier - 1
[Suggestion]: Cloud blocks fade in/out as they spawns/despawns
#106 opened by turgshakur - 2
[Bug]: Snow golem takes damage under a storm while not under rain
#107 opened by NumanSadik - 0
[Suggestion]: Add Probabilities of certain Cloud Types spawning
#108 opened by marklewolfo - 1
[Suggestion]: Storm systems should "break apart" after a while
#109 opened by Gamershy - 0
[Bug]: Simple Cloud is visible beyond the wall while blind effect.
#110 opened by Harusarri - 1
[Suggestion]: Let the fog effect inside the cloud. Or like in War Thunder
#116 opened by KnightMithridatis - 3
[Suggestion]: Changeable Cloud Height
#111 opened by HazeWorksOnFiveMServer - 1
[Suggestion]: Base cloud generation off of downfall
#112 opened by SnakeAssassins - 2
[Bug]: Simple clouds incompatible with Global Wind mod
#113 opened by F-708 - 1
[Bug]: Rendering is broken with vivecraft on 1.20.1
#114 opened by TheEnderwolf - 1
[Bug]: Custom Entities appear as a Withered Symbiont when in Replay Mode (Replay Mod and Sinytra Connector)
#115 opened by Bloxxify421 - 1
#117 opened by Lightning2912 - 0
#118 opened by PunchmadeDav - 4
[Suggestion]: maybe give updates on upcoming or worked on features?
#119 opened by Rin-Rem - 1
[Suggestion]: Mammatus clouds
#120 opened by Imhello13 - 1
[Suggestion]: Make Cloudburst more disaster
#121 opened by llenderr - 4
[Bug]: Simple Void has no rain.
#122 opened by Cosmoros-git - 2
[Bug]: Trying to login on the server leads to crash.
#123 opened by Cosmoros-git - 0
[Suggestion]: Adaptive Fog
#124 opened by AmazingRaisin - 3
[Bug]: big "shadow" wall
#126 opened by Destructorm - 0
[Suggestion]: Severe Thunderstorms/Power Flashes
#125 opened by Zalycon - 3
[Bug]: Clouds break, and load very wrong. (May be due to Create Mod)
#127 opened by ThatB0i - 1
[Suggestion]: Squall lines and Derechos
#128 opened by Luke7381 - 0
[Suggestion]: Ideas.
#129 opened by Luke7381 - 0
[Suggestion]: Downbursts
#130 opened by Luke7381 - 0
[Suggestion]: Compatibility with serene seasons
#131 opened by LBM09I5 - 1
[Suggestion]: Cloud voxels fade instead of popping out
#132 opened by Chaneriel - 1
[Suggestion]: Cracker's Wither Storm support
#133 opened by SpringIsCoding - 0
[Suggestion]: Cirrus Clouds
#134 opened by PmbrugPurnjayDEV - 2
[Bug]: Crash when used with Create: Protection Pixel 1.1.6
#135 opened by noclueumbreon