World of Warcraft
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5.9k InstallsTBC-P3阶段-黑庙副本技能监控WA字符串 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 本WA字符串禁止 露露缇娅-维克尼拉斯 转载或使用! 备战WLK,诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” TBC-群号:718174332 进群口令:插件WA交流(已满隐藏) WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 本群组已经momo大佬授权,从0.7版本开始整合他的部分作品: TBC-P3-黑庙-WA高亮说明 1号-高阶督军纳因图斯 红色高亮——中穿刺之脊的玩家 黄色高亮——破盾之前血量低于8500的玩家,如果没有黄色高亮可以破盾 2号-苏普雷姆斯 橙色高亮——受到火山伤害的玩家 4号-塔隆·血魔 红色高亮——中死亡之影的玩家,术士绑灵魂石 黄色高亮——中烧尽的玩家,及时驱散 5号-血沸 黄色高亮——最新的一轮5位吃血沸的玩家,上一轮吃到血沸的会消失 红色高亮——血沸吃到两层或以上的玩家 绿色高亮——被点名邪能狂怒(变身的)的玩家 6号-灵魂之匣 红色高亮——P1阶段被注视的玩家,牧师套盾 红色高亮——P3阶段中敌意的玩家,注意加血 7号-莎赫拉丝主母 红色高亮——中连线的玩家 8号-伊利达雷议会 红色高亮——盗贼BOSS当前非T目标玩家(如果目标是T不会高亮) 绿色高亮——中毒的玩家...
1.3k InstallsSW字符串+SW语音包,网盘下载: 基于Tems' SWP Pack v2.0.2翻译和补充的SW中文版合集,整合了Ripper和Crouton的两个子项目。 英文原版: Tems(Tems' SWP Pack) Ripper(KalecgosSync), Crouton(spectral blast portal target), 翻译&语音提示:露露緹婭@Bilibili,,翻译部分Tems已授权,转载请保留出处。 中文版存在大量的个人向修改与新增项目,具体见子项目名称/备注。 需要Weakauras插件版本至少为4.0方可正常使用。 中文版内容: 【Tems】SW技能监控中文版-屏幕中心 【Tems】SW技能监控中文版-左侧图标 【Ripper】SW蓝龙 内场名单 【其他】SW技能监控中文版-中心靠左 【露露】TBC SW&BT可点击宏 v4.1 【副本】常用关键技能合集 v2.2 中文版问题反馈方式: B站: NGA发布帖: 语音WA预览视频: SW6号基尔加丹: SW5号穆鲁: SW4号艾瑞达双子:
神聖小喵 BCC黑庙 高阶督军 扔刺
702 InstallsInspired and modified from Nord's work ( and translated to Chinese. Please also support the original author! 功能 在成功帮队友拔刺时,大喊:我捡到刺了 在背包内有刺时,支持直接点击WA图标扔刺
BT Najentus Low HP
340 InstallsAdds red glow for players below 8.5k when shield is up. Generates a list of players with low hp.
Jeyp's BT WA
291 InstallsA set of WA for BT : - Trashs : Audio warning when Priestess of Torment casts a Shell of Pain while you are in melee - Trashs : Glow on target of L5 Arcane...
BT Raid Frame Glow Trackers
370 InstallsRaid frame glow for certain abilities by bosses in Black Temple that require focused healing/dispelling. Should work with all raid frames including Blizzard and ElvUI. Color for the glow can be changed under Actions ->...
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Naj'entus - No Bag Space
20 InstallsAlerts when you have no bag space on Naj'entus.
Najentus - Tidal Shield Glow
83 InstallsGlows the unit frames of players under the 8500 HP Tidal Shield treshold red for 15s before and 10s after a Tidal Shield cast. Based on:
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
Missing Elixir of Demonslaying
26 InstallsShows you when you're targetting a demon boss if you're missing Elixir of Demonslaying
Auto-equip BT Neck and Rocket Boots
14 InstallsAuto-equips BT neck upon death of Archimonde and Teron Gorefiend. Auto-equips Rocket Boots (Xtreme or Xtreme Lite) upon death of HWL Naj'entus, Shade of Akama, Teron Gorefiend, and Reliquary of Souls.
Najentus- Glow raid frame below hp threshold
6 InstallsSimple weakaura that highlights raid frame during the Najentus encounter for targets below 8.6k hp
Naj'entus Tidal Burst Low HP Warning
5 InstallsDuring Tidal Shield shows a list of Players who are below 8500 HP and adds a red glow to Raid frames Made by Aluca/Natani - Venoxis
Low HP- 8500 Black Temple
15 InstallsAdds border around unit frame for anyone under 8500 for shield pop.
|| H || Black Temple Trash Requirements || Ru Client
1 InstallsАдаптировано под ру-клиент Оригинальная ВАшка: v1.0.2