World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Battle Res Tracker
16.8k InstallsSimple tracker showing Battle Res timer and charges. Works in mythic+ (always active) and raids (boss encounters).
BattleRes & Bloodlust Cooldowns
22k InstallsBattleRes & Bloodlust Cooldowns This is a BattleRes and Bloodlust Tracker It refer to MDI's BattleRes and Bloodlust tracker Frame Bloodlust Spell List: Bloodlust - 2825 (Horde Shaman) Heroism - 32182 (Alliance Shaman) Time Warp...
Ready check, Death display, Battle res & more | Dragonflight
297 InstallsAbout I'm a newbie at making weakauras and i avoid using any coding/loops so everything here is made the simpliest possible way i know, from a newbie to people who don't want to kill their...
Death Alert
4.5k InstallsFor DF, just use the DeathAlert addon by pingu_too on Curse instead. -------- This is a string that will alert you in a simple text display (with the person's name) on the screen whenever someone...
Tehr's CDs
6.9k InstallsNO LONGER IN DEVELOPMENT I've quit WoW and have officially and indefinitely ended development of this WeakAura. However, Zen has created an imitation version of this aura for his ZenTracker aura that functions almost exactly...
Mythic Plus - CR/BL Timer
1.7k InstallsLeithrien's Media Tool addon required for the font styles used.
AW BattleRes
1.9k InstallsYet another text version of battle resurrection tracking.
Tracker: Battle Res | Bloodlust | Healer Mana
957 InstallsTracks Healer Mana (including when they are drinking/innervated), Bloodlust Cooldown for all specs, and Battle Res Timer for M+ My Twitch | My Discord
Battle Resurrection Text Tracker - FredJones
287 InstallsA minimalist text battle res tracker. Inspired by AW BattleRes, but designed as a lightweight dynamic group without any custom code. Other minimal profiles: User Interface Profiles ElvUI: Grid2 Tank/DPS profile on Pastebin:
Don's Battle Ress Monitor
1.1k InstallsShows a list of bRessed people and who ressed then
Battle Rez & Heroism/Bloodlust - Tracker
5.1k InstallsAura that tracks Heroism/Bloodlust in all its forms and tracks number and cooldown of battle rezzes.
Don't Release 9.0
511 InstallsUpdated by Xinterp-Area52 for Shadowlands Original by Vlad -
Melura's Raid CD Tracker
689 InstallsThe mission of this WA is to achieve the following goal: “Know what’s going on, without paying attention” Therefore, this WA has the ability to track practically everything, and you can configure things you care...
Timer for BL & CR
1.1k InstallsShows Timer for Bloodlust/Heroisem/Timewarp debuff and buff duration and Combat ress charges and time to gain a charge. its simply based on some text so you can change it the way you want.
Don't Release
1k InstallsAdds two-touch verification to release prompt while in the user specified content, to prevent long delays between attempts. By default only requires you to click on a separate popup to enable release, but you can...
Dragonflight | Season 1 | Utility - 1440p
36 InstallsThis pack contains Icons and Bars of important group utility used in Mythic +.
M+ Battle Res
316 InstallsShows amount of available combat resurrections as well as a timer for when the next one will become available (every 10 minutes after the timer starts)
BR BL Tracker
468 InstallsAlmost identical to but it uses a dynamic group to control spacing
402 InstallsM+战复使用次数和CD监控,治疗蓝量和喝水状态监控。 Buff光环: 消耗品药水: 消耗品增益BUFF: 治疗蓝量,嗜血,战复:
Battle resurrection
139 InstallsTracks battle rez time and count