World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
775 Installs用于通报谁开了中立的虫子,以下行为不会通报,打了双子召唤的虫子,打了add过来主动打了人的虫子。每次有人开怪,都会在团队频道或者密语频道内发送通报,可在自定义页面内设置此行为。 默认设置下,由于勾上BOSS ID指定只在开打双子才会载入此WA,战斗结束或者 人物死亡 会发送一次完整的日志通报,之后会清除日志。 在载入页面最底下可以勾除BOSS ID选项来在平时开启。 在自定义页面内可进行配置操作。 当有人对你密语'请求开虫日志',会在团队频道发送开虫日志。由于默认配置是打双子的时候自动载入,需要发送日志的话请在‘ 载入页面’最下面的BOSS ID项勾取消掉,这样就变成一直载入,然后你就能密语发送日志了。
Twin Emperors Teleport Timer
87 Installsprogress bar for the teleport. Teleport after 30 to 40 seconds
Twins Resists
0 InstallsAnnounces if Searing Pain resists while tanking Twin Emps
Announce Searing Pain resists
27 InstallsAnnounces to /say when Searing Pain resists. To reduce spam this WA is only loaded during the Twin Emperors encounter.
Twins Shadow Ward reminder
26 Installsshadow ward reminder
Twin Emp Missing Tank Buffs
20 InstallsThis weakaura identifies buffs you are missing that are specific to tanking twin emperors as a warlock. The weakaura loads only if you have Rank 7 gloves equipped and are in a raid (but the...
Twin Emps Aggro
5 InstallsThis places a large message on your screen, if you have aggro on the Twin Emps bosses in AQ. Tanks should not use this aura, this is for melee to be aware and not drag...
Heroic Strike Cancel w/Color for HS/CL Queue SoM Advanced
1 InstallsYour swing timer will change color depending if you have Heroic Strike yellow or Cleave green queued. Allowing you to easily time it with your Offhand which makes it so your offhand always hits and...
Warlock - Tank Twin Emps - Click Off Salv
14 InstallsRequires you to have Serpentine Skuller wand (+10 SR) equipped to trigger. Adjust to some other item if you so choose under Load > Item Equipped.
11 InstallsPack des abilités des boss traduit en Fr Me mp Beerthouille-Sulfuron si y'a un soucis Fonctionne normalement avec le client anglais aussi, j'ai travaillé les trigger avec les numéros des abilités, en cas de soucis,...
Twin Emperors - Warlock Resist
3 InstallsFor Warlock tanks on Twins. Will announce when a spell is missed or resisted + which spell.
Target Aggro Switch
8 InstallsThis WA will display a text alert and play a sound when your target boss/npc switches his target/aggro to another friendly unit. Useful for raidhealers mainly i guess (Twin Emp Transitions…). Target or target-target need...
Twin Emperors Tanking
7 InstallsThis weakaura only activates when you have the Serpentine Skuller (10 shadow resist wand) equipped since it's pretty likely you'll have that if you're tanking. If you don't use that wand then switch it to...
Shadow ward
7 InstallsThis weak aura displays the shadow ward icon when the spell is ready and you target a mob that can do shadow damage
Twin Emperors Warlock Tank Reminder/Warner
5 InstallsReminder: Displays message when missing shadow resistance buffs (checks individual buffs) or gear (simplified to <150 SR) when targeting Emperor Vek'lor out of combat. Warner: Shadowbolt above 3500 => yells the amount taken. Start taking...
Warlock Twin Emps Raid Warner
2 InstallsShadowbolt above 3500 => message Start taking shadowbolts after 40 seconds (simulating teleport without tracking teleport) => message
2 InstallsDisplay a salvation icon if you have Emperor Vek'lor targeted. Not tested yet but should work. Based on the warrior's fuck salvation WA.