World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
5.6k InstallsTBC-玛瑟里顿技能监控
Highlight raid frame with important debuff
2.1k InstallsAdd a glow effect on players' frames afflicted by an important debuff. I build this to help healers identify easily which player will take damage soon and need to have quick heals on them. I...
Mag Banish Tracker (work in progress)
201 InstallsModified version of: This weakaura tracks banishes in Magtheridon's lair. Preview picture is old, icons will be the banish icon.
MSLD box clicker
155 InstallsBox clicking count down for speed killing guilds. DO NOT USE ON PUG Estimate count down for P3 Debris demage
Glow Clickers (Magtheridon)
110 InstallsGlow Clickers This WA will glow your frames when a person is clicking a cube
Magtheridon Rotation Groups
65 InstallsDisplays current clicker rotation THIS WEAKAURA IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED. With the release of P2 the fight got insanely trivialized. A proper click rotation is no longer needed. To edit rotation players, go into Custom...
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Maggi Clicker List
27 InstallsFor Magtheridon's chamber. To monitor the status of your clicker group. You can see when someone is dead or still has the debuff. In Options you can enter all players assigned to your group (separated...
Magtheridon - Adds interrupt
81 InstallsPlays a sound when the adds cast Volley or Mending, two different sounds for mucle memory. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
Interruptorder Anchoring (Maghteridon)
13 Installs Interruptorder weakaura with added IDs for Maghtheridon p1 (Shadow Bolt Volley & Dark Mending)
0 Installs**mrt 애드온(method raid tools) 애드온 필요. **테스트 완료 **2.5.2 패치로 쓸모가 없어진 위크오라 입니다. 메모에 총 5줄을 클릭해서 넣어야 합니다. (1시 4시 6시 8시 11시 순서) 띄어쓰기 할 필요 없이 엔터만 누르면 됩니다. 전송 버튼을...
Who Is Clicking?
2 InstallsDisplays who is channeling Shadow Grasp, and whether Shadow Cage is active on Magtheridon. When the timer reaches 0.0, everyone channeling Shadow Grasp must cancel it so the next group can immediately click.
Demonslaying Check
5 Installsshows a demon icon in the middle of your screen if you're targeting a demon mob without demonslaying elixir on.
Magtheridon Blast Nova
0 InstallsSimple warning when Magtheridon casts Blast Nova