World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Zulgin - Reputation Bar (TBC)
2.5k InstallsSimple reputation bars for TBC factions Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Zulgin - Quick Instance Notes
301 InstallsQuick instance notes. Sums up all the important trash and boss mechanics. Both for Normal and Heroic-mode. Instances that are completed: Shadow Labyrinth Sethekk Halls Auchenai Crypts Mana-Tombs The Mechanar The Botanica The Arcatraz The...
Badge of Justice Warning
165 InstallsAdds a reminder after each heroic boss kill to loot the Badge of Justice. The aura is turned off once you loot the badge.
BCC Dungeon Abilities and Spells by Madpimp
48 InstallsDisplays the more important cast, buffs, debuffs and events during boss and trash fights in all the BCC dungeons.
important TBC Reputations
38 Installshaving rep overview for rep grind i.e. Aldor Scryers Lower City Cenarion Expedition Sha'tar Keepers of Time Honor Hold (shown for alliance) Thrallmar (shown for horde) they despawn at exalted rep for each faction so...
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
TBC Dungeons -GER-
10 InstallsKomplette WeakAuras für TBC Dungeons [TESTPHASE #1] [DEUTSCH] Bereit für: Normal/Heroisch Wenn Sounds erwünscht sind benötigt ihr folgendes Addon SharedMedia_dnnsGT Danksagung ——————————————————————————— Danke an alle Tester in der Testphase! Wenn Du mich mit einer Spende...
Share Daily Quest reminder for 5-Mans
6 InstallsReminds you to share the daily Quest once you zone into 5-Man Dungeons. Does not check to see what the current daily is, just reminds you when you enter every instance once you reach lvl...
Kill Command popup so you don't have to look at your hotbars
0 InstallsA simple WA that shows you if you have kill command up, because i hated that i had to look at my hotbars