World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Sepulcher of the First Ones
46.9k InstallsA few bosses were not open for PTR testing or were drastically changed. Therefore ideally update before every raid. Co-Tank Auras: Other WA that might be relevant: Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended)...
Sepulcher of the First Ones Co-Tank Auras
11.2k InstallsDefault Taunt sound requires Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. Make sure your master volume slider in wow's sound options...
Rygelon - Dark Eclipse Reminder
7.8k InstallsPlays a sound effect when you get Dark Eclipse on you and tells you to "SOAK QUASAR PUDDLE". After soaking with Dark Eclipse, you will get a debuff called Event Horizon, which does damage to...
Sepulcher BigWigs / DBM Timers
4.1k InstallsBigWigs / DBM based weakauras that complements and is aimed towards not being caught offguard by certain mechanics. It shows the count (how often the mechanic happened), corrensponding icon and timer. Do note that...
T29: 10 Rygelon N/H/Mythic Pack
4.9k InstallsRelease version, update to follow! Raid Frame Highlights Focus Heal | -25% Healing Taken Stunned | Tank DoT Dispel | Fear/DoT Debuff Boss Packs 1 Vigilant Guardian 2 Skolex 3 Artificer Xy'mox 4 Dausegne, the...
Manifest Cosmos Assignments (Rygelon orbs)
5.1k InstallsIdeally assign as many healers, tanks as you can since they are never targeted by dark eclipse. (liquid strat) Does not handle backups. See picture 3 for required formatting Requested by Anonymous via
Dark Eclipse Assignments
4.3k InstallsMelees should always be assigned to left / right. Rest back left / back right. If something doesn't work then send me mythic wcl logs.
Dark Eclipse list
4.2k InstallsDisplay a list with players that currently have Dark Eclipse sorted by duration. Similar to what Echo is using. Useful to make sure that priority is being given to old debuffs when soaking the pools...
SOFO 10 Rygelon - Personal Soak Position
2.6k InstallsCheck the Custom Options before pulling the boss. WA uses a sound from the SharedMedia_Causese Addon. Special Thanks to Rhod™ for assisting me with the coding. How does it work…? 1) You need to manually...
Which Quasar where? on nameplate
1.1k InstallsYou can see which quasar means where by the text attached to it's nameplate. Your quasar will glow. You should set your boss's position by it's phase at custom options. See second SC to know...
831 InstallsMy own Boss Progress Bars for the new raid, Sepulcher of the First Ones. It's basically a package which takes certain BW timers/messages or raid/player debuffs and displays abilities in a bar with an easier...
Rygelon - Dark Eclipse List
1k InstallsList of players with the Debuff to simply call out and manage the soaks of quasars
Potion Alert
542 InstallsHave trouble remembering to pre-pot and/or totally forget your second pot? This WA will help you with that… Featuring: *This will display a spinning flask when a pull timer has been issued and when the...
Massive Bang - MRT Assignments
693 InstallsInspired by / Adapted from This version allows you to assign players via ExRT/MRT Raid Note. No additional setup required. Note Setup similar to many Sepulcher Assignment Weakauras, see third & fourth Screenshot. Use...
Rygelon Get Out Dark Quasar
739 InstallsYells at you to step out of the stack in down phase of Rygelon mythic. Cus some of my guildies clearly need it :^)
Sépulcre des Fondateurs - Raid de Shadowlands [FR]
476 InstallsPack de 179 auras sur les 11 nouveaux boss du sépulcre des Fondateurs sur le raid principal de la mise à jour 9.2 de Shadowlands qui fonctionne sur tous les clients du jeu avec des...
10 Dark Eclipse - GO IN
401 InstallsColor coded reminder to go in with the Dark Eclipse debuff. You can customize timers for color changes and sound alert in conditions tab.
[Rygelon] Pyrrhic - Dark Eclipse Assignment List
302 InstallsShows all assignments (Left, Right, Back Left, Back Right) for Dark Eclipse on Mythic Rygelon. Assignments will prioritize putting the Melee in the Left/Right positions, Ranged in the Back Left/Back Right positions. WA for only...
[Rygelon] Pyrrhic - Dark Eclipse Your Assignment
279 InstallsShows your personal assignment (Left, Right, Back Left, Back Right) for Dark Eclipse on Mythic Rygelon. Assignments will prioritize putting the Melee in the Left/Right positions, Ranged in the Back Left/Back Right positions. Full list...
Rygelon Kill Matter
280 InstallsTells you to kill the matter if you are able to and it is time. Mythic only