World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Blackwing Lair - Casts and Abilities
974 InstallsI also recommend: • Blackwing Lair - Nameplate Icons This WA is a WIP. I am planning on improving it, but would still appreciate your feedback if you would want to change or add anything....
Blackwing Lair - Progress Circles
415 InstallsIf you already have • Blackwing Lair - Casts and Abilities you don't need this. This WA is a WIP. I am planning on improving it, but would still appreciate your feedback if you would...
BWL Boss Raid Aggro
83 InstallsThis will play an air horn when you have aggro on any of the bosses in blackwing lair. It will only work if you have the target selected. Delete individual bosses as needed. MC Boss...
(RU) Валестраз | Старт боя / Vaelastrasz | Fight Start
35 InstallsЭта WA отображает таймер до начала боя с боссом. Для работы требуется включить в чате отображение фраз (крика) боссов. Во вложениях продемонстрировал как это сделать. This WA displays a timer before the boss fight begins....
Vaelastrasz Burning Adrenaline
40 InstallsDisplays Icon and plays sound when de-buffed with Burning Adrenaline
Rogue - Vael LIP
192 InstallsIcon activates when LIP is used then plays a sound and pops up the word "Vanish" when there is <=1.5 seconds left on it. It only loads when you are in Blackwing Lair
Zippy's Combat Start Timer (Ragnaros & Vaelastrasz)
22 InstallsShows a Progress Bar counting down the seconds until combat begins after Ragnaros (MC) or Vaelastrasz (BWL) have been engaged by your Raid. Works with the English and German client of WoW. --> Feel free...
Burning Adrenaline (self only)
23 InstallsThis is an untested WA. It SHOULD give a text warning and an audio cue that you have burning adrenaline and need to get out of the raid.
Burning Adrenaline
21 InstallsThis aura will provide you an audible alert and a visible icon with a glow if you are affected with the Burning Adrenaline ability. Your character will also /yell that you have the ability so...
Burning Adrenaline
8 InstallsThis is an untested WA. It SHOULD pop up anytime someone in your raid is targeted with Burning Adrenaline and display their name underneath the icon.
Burning Adrenaline
6 InstallsShows a dynamic progress bar for targets with burning adrenaline, goes red when targets need to move away.
Heroic Strike Cancel w/Color for HS/CL Queue SoM Advanced
1 InstallsYour swing timer will change color depending if you have Heroic Strike yellow or Cleave green queued. Allowing you to easily time it with your Offhand which makes it so your offhand always hits and...
BWL Debuffs Season of Mastery SoM Blackwing Lair
3 InstallsBWL Blackwing Lair Vael - Burning Adrenaline. Firemaw - Static Electricity, Flame Buffet. Ebonroc/Flamegor - Brand of Shadow, Brand of Flame. Chromaggus - All Brood Afflictions. Nefarion - Bellowing Roar Timer
Pat's Vael And Nef Auto Gossip
3 InstallsThis WA will auto gossip Vael and Nef starts for you so that you don't have to click gossip options manually.
[Kink] ToEP HUD | Spell Modifiers | Corruption/Shadowburn Notifier | v1.0.1
5 InstallsVisual tracker of Talisman of Ephemeral Power. -- Tracks cooldown, displaying plagueheart texture when trinket is ready and desaturates when on CD with time left. -- Visual animation when the trinket is used, showing the...
Логово Крыла Тьмы / Blackwing Lair
2 InstallsОтображение дебаффов боссов / Shows debuffs