World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Merfin: T8 - Raid Auras (WotLK Classic)
381 InstallsMerfin: T8 - Raid Auras Auras group contains the most significant stuff that you wanna track divided by few meaningful groups: - Ulduar: Flame Leviathan - Ulduar: Circled Textures - Ulduar: Dynamic Icons - Ulduar:...
Merfin: Ulduar - Raid Auras
774 InstallsThe auras pack contains the most significant stuff for Ulduar. - For efficiency reasons all auras are loaded strictly when they're needed. They are sticked to certain Encounter and to Zone IDs. - Auras use...
Vezax - Debuffs
3k InstallsShows a flashing icon while standing in Shadow Crash, letting you know it's safe to pump Shows another icon if you have Mark of the Faceless, telling you to get the fuck out of there...
Interrupt Rotation - Searing Flames
1.1k InstallsHelps manage the interrupt rotation for General Vezax Searing Flames (25m) Original code from Instructions: - The raid leader determines the "Number of Interrupt Groups" - Players set their "Interrupt Group" and optionally determine...
saronite vapor tracker
993 InstallsTracks Saronite Vapor stacks away from buff bar for General Vezax Currently only shows icon+stack counter while Saronite Vapors is active. Also added a raid warning style message saying GTFO for 6+ stacks (GTFO hasnt...
General Vezax Kick Rotation
373 InstallsPart of Glorac's Ulduar Pack: Extracted for those who need kick rotation only
Interrupt Rotation - General Vezax
274 InstallsHelps manage the interrupt rotation for General Vezax Inspired by: Interupt Rotation Features: - Customizable number of groups/players in the interrupt rotation - Shows which group is currently interrupting and whether they succeeded (green) or...
Vezax - Shadow Crash near you!
322 InstallsShows a warning message when someone drops a Shadow Crash that will hit you.
【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK
0 Installs使用前必看: 安装后,不要动WA内的任何东西,直接关闭使用就好,进入对应区域会自动加载。 可以修改的只有: 1、“【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK】”的【组设置】的【位置】的【X偏移】和【Y偏移】,调整地图位置。 2、“【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK】”的【组设置】的【组缩放】,用于调整地图的大小。 功能说明: - 同步显示BOSS战区域团队内玩家的动态位置信息。 - 每个BOSS都有8个标记图标,可以鼠标左键按住进行拖动,标记图标位置每个BOSS独立存储,重新登录 游戏仍然有效。 -【发布】功能:地图右上角,点击发布推送全团标记位,对应安装该WA的玩家自动更新标记图标位置信息。只有本团团长和助理拥有【发布】功能权限。 包括BOSS有: - 奥杜尔:烈焰巨兽、钢铁议会、观星者、灭火、将军、尤格萨隆 - 十字军的试炼:诺森德猛兽、加拉克苏斯大王、阵营冠军、瓦格里双子、阿努巴拉克 - 冰冠堡垒:玛洛加尔领主、亡语者女士、萨鲁法尔、教授、鲜血王子议会、鲜血女王兰纳瑟尔、踏梦者瓦莉瑟瑞娅、辛达苟萨、巫妖王 注意: 安装WA后,对应副本地图内小区域切换会出现地图“一闪”的情况是正常现象。 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
General Vezax - Mark of the Faceless Radar
298 InstallsShows a green circle for duration of Mark. Turns red if anyone gets in your range.
Vezax interupt assignments
375 InstallsAssign your order under custom options
dee fens cooldowns
11 Installsya norse mythology boi has got his smashing trousers on. does the tank have a defense cooldown? good lord, why not? tracks defense cooldowns currently on the tanks to prevent/help overlap, and has timers for...
General Vezax Interrupt (Modified from KT Interrupt, EN client only)
178 InstallsSimply modified from KT Interrupt: (Credit to Hoppy#21153) Seems working quite well :D
Purrs Ulduar Additions
107 InstallsA few additional WA's made to compliment the use of another full T8 raiding pack. Currently included: - Raid - Drums of Speed unitframe glow (only loads for Drummers) - Raid - Aspect of the...
Saronite Vapors Incoming Damage
137 InstallsOn Vezax, this WA tracks Saronite Vapors stacks and displays the damage incoming on the next tick.
T8 Raid Ulduar Holypalaswe
1.1k InstallsCollection of weakauras I use, heavily edited to match my UI. Used together with some DBM Timers, check images for complete list. Tems Cope Pixol
Interupt Rotation
706 InstallsAerx Interupt helper Originally made for KT in classic, updated to support any boss. MUST be configured under custom options! Video showing it in action, explaining configuration under "Custom Options": Current versions default setup...
Mally - Ulduar Extras
70 InstallsExtra important information for Ulduar Don't Release - When in raid with exhaustion XT - Gravity Bomb BIG WARNING + Searing Light Hodir - Frozen blows, singed, starlight, fire, stormcloud + Hard Mode Tracker Hodir...
90 InstallsBig glowing Icon for Saronite Vapors Stacks
[Coz][Raid-Leader] Ulduar - Raid Assignments - v1.2
6 InstallsSender-RaidLeader Ulduar- Raid Assignments THIS IS THE SENDER - RAID LEADER VERSION Raiders need to use to recieve the assignments. Note this is an early development with no feedback and testing besides myself! I'll...