World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Sacrifice Warning
132 InstallsWarns you when Zevrim Thornhoof is about to cast Sacrifice on you, so you can LoS/reflect/whatever.
Tribute Run
56 InstallsTalks to the Guards and picks up the buffs. Currently only works with EN client.
Enervate Warning
38 InstallsWarns you when Alzzin the Wildshaper uses Enervate, so you can LoS/cleanse/whatever.
Ultimate Weeb's Urban DMT Buff Seller
128 InstallsThis WA can: Automatically invite people who seek dire maul tribute (dmt) buffs from different channels (English search patterns, other features work on any client) Autoinvite people for "inv" or similar whispers Track respawn time...
DM:E Ironbark Auto Gossip
37 InstallsAutomatically selects Ironbark's gossip text for Ironbark to open the door to final boss.
DME Solo (v1.0.8) - Boss Cast Warnings (Sacrifice, Massive Geyser, Immolate, etc)
86 InstallsHeads up warning against the casts of the bosses in a DME jump run, with colors that intensify as the cast is about to finish. Currently Supports: -- Hydrospawn: Massive Geyser -- Zevrim: Sacrifice, Intense...
Instance split timer (ALPHA)
72 InstallsAn automatic instance split timer, originally created to track Dire Maul Tribute runs. Note: This WA is still a work in progress!! It will be buggy! Prerequisites You must install the latest LibBossIDs from:
DM:T Loot Buddy
53 InstallsClickable Coffer-Looter: Adds a clickable icon when you're looting the Tribute coffer. Clicking this icon will instantly pick up all the BOPs inside, ignoring the "picking this up will bind it to you" popups. Fast-Loot...
Dire Maul Auto-Spellhit
21 InstallsTO USE THIS WEAKAURA, YOU MUST HAVE ITEMRACK INSTALLED AND AN ITEMRACK LOADOUT NAMED "DireMaul" WITH NO QUOTES AND NO SPACE Automatically equips your Dire Maul gear when you enter Dire Maul, and unequips it...
Darpeh's DMT Companion Free v1.03
36 InstallsIf you enjoy the aura I hope you will consider buying me a coffee: My full version of this aura is now public and free for use. I will leave this up but you...
Dire Maul Pet On Follow
28 InstallsWarns you if you are inside Dire Maul and your pet is currently on follow. Intended for personal use in DM:N soloing. This script is disabled by default when your spellhit% is 0. If you...
World Buff and Enter Raid Automation
14 InstallsAutomatically talk/accept: - Dire Maul Tribute buff NPCs - Molten Core tele NPC - BWL orb - Darmoon Fare Fortune NPC (check the WA's custom options for 10% damage or 10% int)
Talk To Krom Idiot
6 InstallsReminds you to talk to Captain Kromcrush before becoming King, if you haven't done so already. More specifically, it displays a warning if you're targeting Mizzle the Crafty and have not heard Krom yell "gnoll...
Heroic Strike Cancel w/Color for HS/CL Queue SoM Advanced
1 InstallsYour swing timer will change color depending if you have Heroic Strike yellow or Cleave green queued. Allowing you to easily time it with your Offhand which makes it so your offhand always hits and...
Buy Alcohol Reminder - DM:N Tribute
8 InstallsReminder to buy Gordok Green Grog and Kreeg's Stout Beatdown Displays your current stacks of spirit and stamina beer if: - not in combat, not in encounter - >=level 55 - in raid group (won't...
DMT mobs raid marker
5 InstallsA simple weak aura that automatically raid-marks certain mobs in DMT when you hover them. This is a small subset of the bigger DMT selling buff aura (, only this works without equipping anything.