World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
[template] Rectangular Icon (Keep Aspect Ratio)
560 InstallsAn icon that will automaticly adjust its texture to fit a rectangular aura shape (Same as WA option "Keep Aspect Ratio"). It should work with ElvUI Addon Skins (the default WA option is overriten by...
Mythic+ Necrotic Rot
323 Installs** MANUALLY Set TANK to FOCUS target (right-click the tank's party frame and click on "Set to Focus") Updates: - Modified trigger so weakaura won't throw an error ('stacks…nil') > Tracks Necrotic Rot on focus-target...
Do Not Release!!!
398 InstallsA Do Not Release Aura To Help You Not Release When There Is A Mass Res Going Out. This is a text type aura.
Mythic+ Bursting Assist
7 InstallsA modified version of wild12's weakaura.
Specs in Raidgroup in your zone
4 InstallsThis aura is just for reference. It shows if a character in your zone is: TANK, MELEE, RANGED, HEALER It uses 2 libs: LibStub and LibGroupInSpecT I installed the libs in the WeakAura folder as...
4 InstallsWeakAura that provides an indicator for arbitrary libdatabroker-1.1 (LDB) "dataObjects", which many addons, including WeakAuras itself, provide. This is similar to the functionality of ElvUI datatexts and TitanPanel, indeed those also implement the same specification....
Chat Logging
2 InstallsThis aura is for reference. It has 2 public functions: aura_env.log_push(str) --adds the str to buffer aura_env.log_flush(str) --prints buffer Config options: aura_env.log_config["ch"]="SAY" --chat you want to print it in ("SAY","RAID",…). If you set it to...
13 InstallsThis is a collection of 5 auras: Shard 1 (aurabar) Shard 2 (aurabar) Shard 3 (aurabar) Shard 4 (aurabar) Shard 5 (aurabar) Testing PTR bar fills with new shard bits Edit: Changed color and to...
Custom Trigger Updater
2 InstallsThis is an example for the new Custom Trigger Updater. Just set a spellID and a duration in the OnInit (the default is 589 = Shadow Word: Pain with a duration of 18s). The aura...
ToS Fallen Avatar(M) Matrix Fail Tracker
2 InstallsThis aura is work in progress. It puts alternating marks on actively stacking ppl (3 groups of marks 2 in each) (in Trigger2). When boss gets extra energy, it writes in chat, who is currently...
2 InstallsCounts the number of times an event has occurred in unfiltered combat logs
List Items in Bags
9 InstallsNO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED In response to a poster at Best solution I could come up with. (I'm still super new to custom LUA and couldn't figure out how to make a variable accessible...
2 InstallsI AM NOT THE AUTOR Found it in very old Backup and wolut test it..looks very varbiable, only timer needs update..coming soon in Display: you can change when aura shows…from Healthrate% to …maybe your execute%...
Resto Druid mastery value on target.
1 InstallsThis is a text type aura.
Harjatan Hatchlings Check
1 InstallsThis should show if Hatchlings are alive and if yes, their health.
Last stand Warrior prot tracking for heal
5 InstallsHi, This aura scan player, party or raid for find Last Stand warrior buff and return player name and % of Max life bonus. /!\ Replace "Dernier rempart" by the name spell in your game...
Character Sim
1 InstallsThis will sim your character and post the results on the screen. If you are a healer, skip to line 2.
Fubar187421's Marksman Hunter Aura's
3 InstallsI Did Not Make These, I Just Edited The Aura's To My Liking's Then Put Them Together In One Big Aura File To Share With Everyone. Thank You For Making The Aura's: Putro, Cheesepoof,...
Female Bloodelf
0 InstallsThere are no words
0 InstallsYou have to disable in Menu : Interface>ActionsBars>Show Numbers for Cooldown (Elvui/Omni CC recommended) Change the Spell Name in Actions > On Init This all-in-one WeakAura will display the CD and Buff duration of a...