World of Warcraft
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5.5k InstallsTBC-P3阶段-海山副本技能监控WA字符串 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 本WA字符串禁止 露露缇娅-维克尼拉斯 转载或使用! 备战WLK,诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” TBC-群号:718174332 进群口令:插件WA交流(已满隐藏) WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 本群组已经momo大佬授权,从0.7版本开始整合他的部分作品: TBC-P3-海山-WA高亮说明 小怪 蓝色高亮——冰霜巨龙吐息目标玩家 1号-雷基冬寒 蓝色高亮——中寒冰箭的玩家 2号-安纳塞隆 绿色高亮——地狱火点名玩家 蓝色高亮——中腐臭虫群的玩家 灰色高亮——中催眠术的玩家 4号-阿兹加洛 红色高亮——中厄运的玩家 橙色高亮——中火雨的玩家 5号-阿克蒙德 蓝色高亮——中军团之握的玩家,解诅咒 红色高亮——中厄运之火的玩家,注意加血
TBC 海山小怪提示
859 Installs如果出现无数据 请提供给我 聊天栏的相关白字信息 与初始化的 local isDebug = true 代表会输出额外的debug信息用于修复和校对
Jeyp's Hyjal WA
239 InstallsA set of WA for Hyjal : - Rage : Unitframe glow on Icebolt target (triggered on cast) - Rage : Unitframe glow on DnD targets - Anetheron : List of all players affected by...
Items - Clickable Sulfuron Slammer
186 InstallsIf you like or support my WeakAuras follow or sub to me on Twitch: Clickable Sulfuron Slammer for Anetheron v1.0.1: Added always active trigger. Haven't tested it yet.
Sulfuron Slammer
147 InstallsSimple progress bar to show duration of Sulfuron Slammer buff, persists to warn you when not active. Weakaura will only activate during the Anetheron encounter in Mt Hyjal.
TBC mag1cx - Anetheron / Sulf. Slammer Reminder
82 InstallsA simple Weakaura to use Sulfuron Slammer at 2nd Boss of Hyjal (Anetheron) to prevent getting sleeped. The Weakaura loads only in this Encounter and will only light up if you have at least 1+...
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Anetheron Inferno Warning
21 Installsdisplays an icon, plays a sound and announces infernal targets in raid and say,
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
Sulfuron Slammer
14 InstallsSulforon Slammer buff for Anetheron in Mount Hyjal (2nd boss) you can spam it to keep taking 4 damage every 3 seconds so he can't sleep you
하이잘 전투 (hyjal summit tbc) PTR v0.2 220112(by 강강 클래식)
10 Installs하이잘 PTR 위크오라
Missing Elixir of Demonslaying
26 InstallsShows you when you're targetting a demon boss if you're missing Elixir of Demonslaying
Hyjal Anetheron Carrion Swarm Coverer
2 InstallsSetup Co-Healers and Assignment Under Custom Options. The Weakaura will then whisper Co-Healers to get help covering your assignment when you have the debuff
|| H || Any Boss || Demonslaying Elixir || Ru Client
6 InstallsДанная WeakAura проверяет выполнение трех условий: - Отсутствие на игроке активного бафа от Эликсира истребления демонов - Текущая цель является демоном - Текущая цель является боссом При выполнении трех этих условий одновременно отображает иконку бафа....
Anetheron Inferno Warning
4 InstallsWarns you when Inferno starts casting on you, so you can avoid it in time with Feign Death or Vanish. Trigger code adapted from momo@CN-祈福.
Sulfuron Slammer =)
0 InstallsSimple timer to remind to you re-slam.