World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
M'uru & Kil'jaeden Group - By Sooth
1.6k InstallsGroup of WeakAuras for M'uru and Kil'jaeden: M'uru: Darkness timer - only for DBM Kil'jaeden: Fire Bloom prespread range check circle Fire Bloom debuff (player) range check Watch HP to stop cleave between set percentages:...
1.3k InstallsSW字符串+SW语音包,网盘下载: 基于Tems' SWP Pack v2.0.2翻译和补充的SW中文版合集,整合了Ripper和Crouton的两个子项目。 英文原版: Tems(Tems' SWP Pack) Ripper(KalecgosSync), Crouton(spectral blast portal target), 翻译&语音提示:露露緹婭@Bilibili,,翻译部分Tems已授权,转载请保留出处。 中文版存在大量的个人向修改与新增项目,具体见子项目名称/备注。 需要Weakauras插件版本至少为4.0方可正常使用。 中文版内容: 【Tems】SW技能监控中文版-屏幕中心 【Tems】SW技能监控中文版-左侧图标 【Ripper】SW蓝龙 内场名单 【其他】SW技能监控中文版-中心靠左 【露露】TBC SW&BT可点击宏 v4.1 【副本】常用关键技能合集 v2.2 中文版问题反馈方式: B站: NGA发布帖: 语音WA预览视频: SW6号基尔加丹: SW5号穆鲁: SW4号艾瑞达双子:
T6.5 Raid Frame Glow Trackers
867 InstallsAnimating raid frame glow trackers for Sunwell Plateau.
962 InstallsThis WA has merged into . 在穆鲁战斗中,为可以打断驱散的职业,以特别显眼的方式提示打断或者驱散
691 InstallsThis WA has merged into . 从boss战开始显示3:58的倒计时,适用于打算3:58进P2的团队
M'uru - Darkness Warning ft. getmilk
376 Installs Darkness warning at 5 seconds remaining, with countdown and custom sound ft. getmilk. Sound source: Requires custom sound downloaded and place into your World of Warcraft/Interface directory:
M'uru: Flurry&CC
319 InstallsShows flurry buff on adds and if they are currently cc'd
278 InstallsA bundle I used for Sunwell Plateau progression.
310 InstallsThis WA has merged into . 不会还有人会踩黑水吧?
M'uru - Spell Fury Steal/Purge
227 InstallsShows 6s timed bars for Spell Fury buffs on Shadowsword Fury Mages during the M'uru encounter. Timers start when buffs go up and expire after 6 seconds, not when they are purged/removed.
Spell Fury on Nameplate
195 InstallsShows Spell Fury buff on nameplates of the Shadowsword Fury Mage on Muru.
162 InstallsTBC--P5—太阳之井高地团本技能监控 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 本WA字符串禁止 露露缇娅-维克尼拉斯 转载或使用! 备战WLK,诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” TBC-群号:718174332 进群口令:插件WA交流 (已满隐藏) WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 本WA字符串使用提醒: 1、经授权,群组内整合部分Momo大佬和HopeAsd大佬作品项目(已标注) 2、小怪-漂浮术项目限定牧师职业生效 3、布胖战斗开始前请给两个T团队框架主坦克标记 4、布胖5码/基尔加丹10码内人数仅供参考,有误差 5、设置火女BOSS为焦点可以监控燃烧读条,不设置焦点仍可高亮燃烧目标 6、穆鲁时间轴默认开启3:58,提前进入P2会自动隐藏所有P1时间轴 7、穆鲁P2被黑水点名的玩家会给骷髅标记(需要团长/助理权限) 8、穆鲁P2被黑洞点名的玩家会给红叉标记(需要团长/助理权限) 9、穆鲁和基尔加丹首领血条无需选中目标或设置焦点 10、如果觉得占用空间比例不适,可以通过调整“组缩放”功能改变大小 如果您是团长/指挥,在导入本常规群组的基础上还可以导入专项群组,链接: 专项提醒群组为常规群组的扩展包,区别于常规监控显示,专项群组对于各BOSS关键技能采用更加醒目的文本显示、团队通报和语音提醒等,适用于团长/指挥人员安装导入 TBC-P5-太阳井-WA高亮说明 小怪 粉色高亮——中精神鞭笞的玩家 蓝色高亮——中点燃法力的玩家 红色高亮——中统御(心控)的玩家 黄色高亮——中斩杀射击的玩家 绿色高亮——魔能闪电目标玩家 红色高亮——被冲压的目标玩家...
106 Installs从boss战开始显示2:50的倒计时,适用于打算2:50进P2的团队
05.Void Spawn Auto Mark
1k InstallsThis WA has merged into . Auto Mark Void Spawn(npcid 25824) base on the number of warlock in raid group 3 Purple Diamond 4 Green Triangle 5 White Crescent Moon 6 Blue Square 7...
81 InstallsDon't be a idiot. For sound, use SharedMedia_ZulginMedia addon. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Muru Transition Helper
65 InstallsThis weakaura shows the ACTUAL Humanoid timer (offset -10s from DBM timers). Green = more than 15s until spawn Orange = between 15s and 5s until spawn Red = 5s until spawn
M'uru - Darkness Duration Timer
58 InstallsM'uru "Darkness" duration bar. Requires DBM to function.
M'uru - Darkness - Melee/Tank
56 InstallsIcon glows and counts down M'uru's Darkness ability
M'uru Fel Fireball Warn
56 InstallsShows timed bars for Shadowsword Fury Mage Fel Fireball casts during the M'uru encounter.
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU