World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Loatheb Healer Tracker
3k InstallsThe most recent version (v1.1.1) is likely to work but has not been officially tested. The most recent stable version is v1.0.5 which only includes automatic sorting (alphabetical sorting) >> If someone uses this WeakAura...
Loatheb Consumables Timer
1.3k InstallsA simple weakaura to track consumables usage for Loatheb. Consumables based on
Loatheb Spore Tracker
933 InstallsWill show when it's your turn to take the spore. Enter your spore group and how many groups are taking spores in custom options.
Loatheb Healer Tracker With Manual Sort Option
676 InstallsFork of "Loatheb Healer Tracker" by Hildigunnur This contains option to use manual list, instead of alphabetical, and also contains a way to blacklist players. All druids, priests, and paladins/shamans not on the blacklist...
629 Installs治疗工具和团长监控工具,适用于5秒无脑治疗打法。团长模式下监控全团治疗CD,自动提示警告全团治疗。治疗模式下CD到了提前3秒图标提示
Loatheb Consumables Progressbars
270 InstallsA preset list of consumable timers (when to use which) after Loatheb is pulled
404 Installs分为顺序模式和自定义模式:顺序模式,设置吃孢子的起始队伍和结束队伍,工具按照设置顺序提前密语、团队提醒责任人跑位。自定义模式:按你需要的提醒顺序将队员排好队,然后记录,将记录数据复制到WA,wa将按你分配好的顺序提醒吃孢子,方便需要调换队伍的团队(比如给前几组的战士搭配不需要吃孢子的萨满之类)。本工具只需要团长安装
Loatheb Remove Curse Alert
233 InstallsAlerts you when Loatheb uses his Remove Curse ability, removing all curses from himself.
Loatheb Consumes Best Version
246 InstallsThis WA works based off when the Inevitable Dooms land on the player rather than a static set of time. I created this WA because all the others that I could find use a static...
Loatheb Sporerotation
222 InstallsCustomizable Spore-Rotation with Alerts for the Naxxramas Loatheb fight.
Loatheb Spore Bar
228 Installsgo to custom options to set your spore group and the total number of groups (default 8)
Simple Loatheb Spore Counter
186 InstallsSimple spore counter for loatheb
Ambivalent Loatheb
126 InstallsA group of bars to help facilitate the loatheb fight. Shows the cast bar of heals in the raid, duration of corrupted mind, and dead or offline players. - Raid Leader/Assist can share a healer...
T7 Raid Holypalaswe
87 InstallsMy small set of weakauras for T7, Naxx EoE OS. Some weakuras from from Tems T7 pack:
Loatheb Spore Group Counter /w Options
109 InstallsShows which group should get next spore. Set group count in custom options.
Loatheb Spores
95 InstallsPerformance effective Loatheb Spore Weak Aura Shows which groups turn it is to get the next spore, starting from group one with a custom option for the number of spore groups (default 7 spore groups)....
Loatheb consumables reminder
100 InstallsA thing that has timers for when to take various healing items / shadow protection potions for the Loatheb fight, including a giant flashing icon for when you need to use the item.
74 Installs原来的治疗工具修修补补很多功能,比较杂乱。重新写了一个
Loatheb Consumes
72 InstallsShows a combat timer during the Loatheb encounter with a small text alert at set intervals, showing you which consumable to use at set time.
Shaman friendly Loatheb Debuff/Healorder display
349 InstallsDisplays the healing cooldown on your healers, requires you to list all your healers in the custom options, only those in the raid will be used. Allows custom healorders, meaning you can use the debuff...