World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Sapphiron Icebolt Counter
1.4k InstallsShows how many Icebolts Sapphiron shot.
Sapphiron Blizzard Warning
757 InstallsYells at you to move out of sapphiron blizzard
Greengoo's Saph Aura Range
126 InstallsShows an icon/text when you are too far from a paladin and don't have frost resistance aura. Only loads during Sapphiron encounter.
Frost Res Totem range/missing
111 InstallsThis weakaura is only enabled during the Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad encounters. - If you only want this enabled during Sapphiron, then you can go into the "Load" option, scroll down and remove the "1114" which...
Sapphiron / Kel'Thuzad Anti-Frost
80 Installs* Frost Ward cooldown (If buff is not active) * Frost Protection Potion cooldown (If buff is not active and pot is in bags) * Petrified Scarab cooldown (If item is equipped) Loads on Sapphiron...
Raid_Naxx Various Alerts (Razu, Sapph, KT)
76 InstallsPackage of alerts for Naxx bosses Razuvious, Sapphiron, KT. Does the following: -SFX/GFX when razuvious casts shout and it is safe to go back into LOS -GFX for 4Horsemen Thane meteor alerter -SFX/GFX when you...
Sapphiron use frostrespot
57 InstallsWhile on Sapphiron displays a icon if your below 3500 health and do not have greater frost resistance potion active.
Pat's Sapph Blizzard Remdiner
29 InstallsPuts a big reminder on your screen when you are standing in blizzard on Sapph
210 Installs本字符串可以在冰龙和诺斯战斗中,高亮中诅咒玩家的团队框架 基于本字符串,可以自己更新调整需要监控的DEBUFF、BUFF等,比如中冰墓高亮框架等
Sapph Icebolt
22 InstallsDisplays a say message, and shows an icon every time Sapph casts Ice Bolt. It helps me with remembering there have been 5 that have been cast.
Mana Consumes for TBC
26 InstallsShows - a Super Mana Potion icon, when your mana drops below "max mana minus 3000" - a Dark Rune icon, when below "max mana minus 1500" and pots are on CD. Updated for TBC,...
Hos Me
0 InstallsAutomatically asks your Paladins for Hand of Salvation. heavily based on
Frostresist Raid Check
22 InstallsEveryone in the raid who needs to report Frost Resist needs this WA installed for the check to work. Command is !FR and all with this WA will automatically report it in /raid
Sapphiron Time to RUN
15 InstallsWill show a gnome running across the screen when it's time to start moving during Sapphirons air phase (iceblock count 4 or higher)
Sapphiron H.U.D.
13 InstallsProvides a clickable on-screen button for Greater Frost Protection Potions (w/ item count and CD), and an Icebolt Tracker
Renew Tracker
30 InstallsTracks both regular renew and 8pc t2 renew. useful for saph
Markman Hunter Minimalist UI
0 InstallsMarkman Hunter Minimalist UI Very barebones
- - Sapph Life Drain Info
9 InstallsPrints to chat all life drain targets with a count in chat, also shows an alert onscreen
Important Decurses.
30 InstallsAdds a pixel glow to raid members with important debuffs to decurse in Naxx. Glow can be configured in the Actions tab. Should work with all unit frames, I use Vuhdo.