World of Warcraft
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5.9k InstallsTBC-P3阶段-黑庙副本技能监控WA字符串 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 本WA字符串禁止 露露缇娅-维克尼拉斯 转载或使用! 备战WLK,诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” TBC-群号:718174332 进群口令:插件WA交流(已满隐藏) WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 本群组已经momo大佬授权,从0.7版本开始整合他的部分作品: TBC-P3-黑庙-WA高亮说明 1号-高阶督军纳因图斯 红色高亮——中穿刺之脊的玩家 黄色高亮——破盾之前血量低于8500的玩家,如果没有黄色高亮可以破盾 2号-苏普雷姆斯 橙色高亮——受到火山伤害的玩家 4号-塔隆·血魔 红色高亮——中死亡之影的玩家,术士绑灵魂石 黄色高亮——中烧尽的玩家,及时驱散 5号-血沸 黄色高亮——最新的一轮5位吃血沸的玩家,上一轮吃到血沸的会消失 红色高亮——血沸吃到两层或以上的玩家 绿色高亮——被点名邪能狂怒(变身的)的玩家 6号-灵魂之匣 红色高亮——P1阶段被注视的玩家,牧师套盾 红色高亮——P3阶段中敌意的玩家,注意加血 7号-莎赫拉丝主母 红色高亮——中连线的玩家 8号-伊利达雷议会 红色高亮——盗贼BOSS当前非T目标玩家(如果目标是T不会高亮) 绿色高亮——中毒的玩家...
1.3k InstallsSW字符串+SW语音包,网盘下载: 基于Tems' SWP Pack v2.0.2翻译和补充的SW中文版合集,整合了Ripper和Crouton的两个子项目。 英文原版: Tems(Tems' SWP Pack) Ripper(KalecgosSync), Crouton(spectral blast portal target), 翻译&语音提示:露露緹婭@Bilibili,,翻译部分Tems已授权,转载请保留出处。 中文版存在大量的个人向修改与新增项目,具体见子项目名称/备注。 需要Weakauras插件版本至少为4.0方可正常使用。 中文版内容: 【Tems】SW技能监控中文版-屏幕中心 【Tems】SW技能监控中文版-左侧图标 【Ripper】SW蓝龙 内场名单 【其他】SW技能监控中文版-中心靠左 【露露】TBC SW&BT可点击宏 v4.1 【副本】常用关键技能合集 v2.2 中文版问题反馈方式: B站: NGA发布帖: 语音WA预览视频: SW6号基尔加丹: SW5号穆鲁: SW4号艾瑞达双子:
1.4k InstallsItankadin Itankadin is made to help you keep track of what is important to you, the Protection Paladin. Here you will only see your stats without the Weakaura becoming bloated. As part of a huge...
1k Installs监控伊利丹P2火人喷火CD和目标
神聖小喵 BCC T6 战坦防骑 剪切助手
421 Installs功能 为主坦伊利丹的战坦和防骑们提供格挡/神盾时机的提示 剪切准备:剪切冷却时间还剩3秒提示准备 剪切提示:伊利丹开始读条剪切时提示
Illidan - Eye Beam!
335 InstallsA loud and visible alert when Illidan uses his Eye Beam in phase 2. If you use a non-English client you will have to change the text in Trigger 1 to whatever he yells when...
Jeyp's BT WA
291 InstallsA set of WA for BT : - Trashs : Audio warning when Priestess of Torment casts a Shell of Pain while you are in melee - Trashs : Glow on target of L5 Arcane...
BT - Illidan - Flame of Azzinoth CDs
109 InstallsTracks the cooldowns of breath and blaze (fire under you). you can safely move and face the mob anywhere for the duration of these. Once bars are hidden you should be facing the elemental away...
BT Raid Frame Glow Trackers
370 InstallsRaid frame glow for certain abilities by bosses in Black Temple that require focused healing/dispelling. Should work with all raid frames including Blizzard and ElvUI. Color for the glow can be changed under Actions ->...
TBC Tank Uncrittable Uncrushable w/ Illidan Shear Calculator
322 InstallsCalculator for Tanks to show if crit capped for level 70 or 73 monsters, crush capped level 73 monsters, and calculates avoidance from avoidance-cap for Illidan's Shear mechanic which ignore's miss chance and requires 101.8%...
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Mako's Flames of Azzinoth - Flame Blast
263 InstallsSimple WA that shows a timer for Flames of Azzinoth's Flame Blast. Fixed 11 seconds timer (exact cast time seems to be a lil bit more, but better safe than sorry) Current status: tested and...
Illidan - Fire (Pet)
145 InstallsAlerts when your pet is standing in any of Illidan's fire effects.
Black Temple - Tank Alerts
114 InstallsSome alerts for TBC - Black Temple. Currently works with: - Reliquary of Souls: Deaden - Illidari Council: -- Lady Malande: Circle of Healing -- Gathios the Shatterer: Judgement (only if Seal of Command is...
Refresh Demonslaying
93 InstallsReminds you to refresh Demonslaying if it's close to falling off or has fallen off during a fight Plays a sound when there are 10 seconds left
Illidan - Tank warn: Pets in Fire
20 InstallsWarns tanks that pets are standing in fire during the Illidan Stormrage encounter. Based on WA by seppala-faerlina.
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
Days without Warglaives (author: 雷霆之击<雷霆驾校>牧瀨紅莉棲)
32 InstallsWarglaive counter, click to pray. Statistics showing how many days/ resets without glaive (s) since P3 release Random inspirational quote to lift your spirit (not really) Click to pray to the dark lord for greenswords,...
Stupid Pet
53 InstallsText popup when your pet is standing in some stupid shit.
Tankadin "The Retankening"
22 InstallsThis WA is a complete overhaul of the original Tankadin and subsequent Tankadin II WAs. Big thank you to Itank for the valuable feedback on the calculations. DISPLAY ELEMENTS: Change visibility of each field. Show:...