World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Torghast - Ravenous Anima Cell Helper
11.3k InstallsIf you find any errors with the showen Anima Powers please let me know. If you have an Ravenous Anima Cell (Big Anima Cell) in your bag an icon on enemy nameplate gets showen. This...
Torghast On Use Items
1.2k InstallsCredit to for the original. I just put it in a group and added the rest of the Torghast items. Known bug: The Fleeting Frenzy Potion does not disappear on use.
Norm Torghast
606 Installssome buffs from torghast that i got and other things that i wanted to track the next blob timer starts after the first spawns and the wa has to be loaded all the time in...
Move "Pending Anima Power" Window
285 Installswork in progress Allows you to move that window around, to avoid overlaps with other UI elements in the center of your screen
301 InstallsExtremely simple icon that displays the damage value stored for Catharstick.
93 InstallsThis is just a bit of fun and serves no purpose other than showing your Anima powers vs blizzards UI
Mad Wizards Scrawlings Helper
957 InstallsReminds you of the Mad Wizard's Intuition buff and displays spell order from top to bottom. Retains spell names after first spell so you can't forget.
Torghast On Use Items (Clickable)
77 InstallsWeak aura with all on use items from torghast.
Ravenous Anima Cell helper
52 InstallsShows which anima powers can be obtained by using a ravenous anima cell on specific enemies in Torghast. -> Hovering the mouse over said anima power icons will show a tooltip to it Originally upload...
ZlicckUI - Utility (All Classes)
74 InstallsUI scale: 0.7 Resolution: 2560x1440 you migth have to do some changes for it to fit your own preferance. u should use the buff weakaura together with the class WA package (some buffs are tracked...
Thorghast Anima Random Picker
33 InstallsFor fun. It will show you random number that you must pick at anima select frame
Corrosive Dosage
224 InstallsShows duration and strength of Corrosive Dosage buff.
Mad Wizard's Intuition / Mad Wizard's Scrawlings
226 InstallsShows the tooltip for the Mad Wizard's Intuition buff, telling you what the spell order is. The display persists (with the spell order) even after you start casting the spells. Not as fancy as,...
Mad Wizard's Reminder
278 InstallsBe the Mad Wizard you are supposed to be and don't forget to cast your mage spells on each Torghast floor.
Protective Phantasma
84 InstallsTorghast buff Protectiv Phantasma-tracker
Priest Torghast Buffs (Scales of Trauma, Catharstick)
147 InstallsSimple bars that show the damage stored in Scales of Trauma and Catharstick, in relation to their maximum power. Bars Catharstick -- total damage held (max = health) Scales of Trauma -- total damage held...
Growing Inferno Stacks
91 InstallsSimple tracker for Growing Inferno (in particular in combination with Grim Tender in Torghast) Shows: - current "stacks" - total time Immo Aura is up - last Immo Aura hit Known Bugs: - also triggers...
Corosive Dosage - Buff countdown - Anima power
83 InstallsDisplay a bar that shows when the buff end, (bottom bar) as well as when you should recast it (top bar) (cast time of 1.3s). Not loading ? Set the name of torghast in custom...
Move Anima Pending Frame
18 InstallsMove the pending anima frame where ever you like.
HP <= 30% - Low life with Sound heartbeat
33 InstallsThis creation allows you to be alerted when your life runs out. At 30% of life points, your heart starts to beat. At 20% of life points it accelerates. At 0% a nicer and more...