World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Sanctum of Domination (10/10 Bosses, all difficulties)
64.4k InstallsExpect updates during heroic/mythic week(s) Other WAs that might be relevant for progress: https://wago.io/slraid2progress Co-Tank Auras: https://wago.io/slcotank2 Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended) Install SharedMedia_Causese Restart WoW Max out master volume and enable the addon....
Remnant: Mass Dispel Cast
17.1k InstallsGiant bar for when a Priest in your raid is casting Mass Dispel.
Sanctum of Domination Co-Tank Auras
11.7k InstallsDefault Taunt sound requires https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/sharedmedia_causese Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. "Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank...
Malevolence Helper
19.8k InstallsChecks whether you should do the Massdispel or Pingpong strategy for dealing with Malevolence. It will tell you either "Pingpong" or "Massdispel" Massdispel = atleast 1 debuffed player has a spell to survive from being...
T28: 04 Remnant of Ner'zhul N/H/Mythic Pack
5.8k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Mythic Phase Timers track the perfect time to phase, not meeting timers will spawn extra orbs. Health Checks pre DR HP, if red you'll die without personal/HP/HS, if green you'll live without...
Sanctum of Domination Bars
2k InstallsJust a few bars that complement my Raid WAs from https://wago.io/slraid2 01 Chains of Eternity Bar (Progress Bar) 04 Malevolence Bar (Progress Bar) 06 Flameclasp Trap Bar (Progress Bar) 07 Call of Eternity Bar (Progress...
Don's Battle Ress Monitor
1.1k InstallsShows a list of bRessed people and who ressed then
04 - Ner'zhul - Mass Dispel Cast
1.8k InstallsCastbar of anyone casting mass dispell in Ner'zhul encounter
Shatter EHP
1k InstallsDisplays your expected remaining HP% after Shatter. Shows up shortly before Shatter happens. Requires https://wago.io/EHPTracker to function ☕ Buy me a coffee
04 3rd Knock (Rattlecage of Agony Malevolence)
1k InstallsMaybe I won't get yeeted of the platform next time.
Aura of Spite
792 InstallsRegular swirlies timer
Remnant - Shatter Reminder
877 InstallsA simple WA that pops up at 1.5% HP above where the remnant starts casting Shatter to remind everyone to pop a defensive / pot if needed.
Orb of Torment List
636 InstallsDisplays a list of the people with Orb of Torment and shows how many orbs are left
04 Orb Glow
733 InstallsShows yellow pixel glow around Orb nameplate whenever a Orb loses it's Eternal Torment buff and is no longer immune to damage.
690 Installs- Malevolence timer (max time to dispell) - Suffering Cast (dps dodge, don't overlap dispels) - Nerzhul Energy (casts Suffering at 100 energy) - Nerzhul Health (shows boss HP in %)
davidq Sanctum of Domination Personal Alerts
462 Installs** I will not be making an updated version for Sepulcher since I no longer play retail wow. Some people have come forward wanting to make a similar set, will put a link here if...
<MoFo> Ner'zhul castbars
528 Installsle p'ti pack de castbars pour Mythic Nerzhul Shatter castbar (boss) Mass dispel castar (friendly) Chest bump P3 (orb)
Spell Reflect Info and Annoucement
823 InstallsA modification of https://wago.io/SpellReflection that also allows the announcement of non-damaging reflects deflect This is added as an extra option in "Custom Options" that allows you to announce deflects as well as damaging reflects.
469 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.3 - доработана сборка WA. Включены WA: 1) "Зловредность (рэйдфреймы)" - отмечает игроков на рейд-фреймах с "Зловредность", который нужно диспелить в определенное время.
Sanctum de Domination - Raid de Shadowlands [FR]
387 InstallsPack de 172 auras sur les 10 nouveaux boss du sanctum de la Domination sur le raid principal de la mise à jour 9.1 de Shadowlands qui fonctionne sur tous les clients du jeu avec...