World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Torghast - Ravenous Anima Cell Helper
11.3k InstallsIf you find any errors with the showen Anima Powers please let me know. If you have an Ravenous Anima Cell (Big Anima Cell) in your bag an icon on enemy nameplate gets showen. This...
Torghast Panel
6.1k Installs**Work in progress** Upcoming features: Split Anima Powers into 2 categories, Class Specific and General Display current Wing's name instead of UIMap Highlight current floor on the progress bar Trying to display rarity level of...
Externals on me
6.1k InstallsShows when externals are used on you and who casted them. If there are any auras missing, contact me Battletag: Aluura#2946 This is a collection of 22 auras: Blessing of Sac (Icon) AM (Icon) Blessing...
Shadowlands Consumable Tracker / Readycheck - Clickable
2.6k InstallsI apologize for neglecting my old "Clickable-Readycheck" ( After taking some time of I have returned to World of Warcraft and upgraded said Weakaura. If you liked my old design you will love our new...
2k Installs显示周围敌对姓名版读条和其施法目标 如果目标是你则高亮进度条
Torghast Lever Locked Chest
3.3k InstallsLever Locked Chest Combination
2k InstallsAll Credits goes to Plumee, I just added some trigger to make this WA only visible in Torghast and fixed some Spell Issues
Torghast Fear
1.1k InstallsShows big triangle on mob that is casting fear. Also screaming on you. May not contain all the fears you can meet there, be careful and feel free to comment here about any missing fear.
Torghast On Use Items
1.2k InstallsCredit to for the original. I just put it in a group and added the rest of the Torghast items. Known bug: The Fleeting Frenzy Potion does not disappear on use.
Norm Torghast
606 Installssome buffs from torghast that i got and other things that i wanted to track the next blob timer starts after the first spawns and the wa has to be loaded all the time in...
Abby's Spells on the Ground
2.2k InstallsThis collection tracks several spells, sorted together by class type. Included are: Death Knight: Death and Decay Death's Due (Night Fae Covenant Ability) Demon Hunter: Elysian Decree (Kyrian Covenant Ability) Glaive Tempest Sigil of Chains...
Phantasmic Infuser use Reminder
730 InstallsRemind you to use your phantasmic infuser Not loading ? Set the name of torghast in custom options. default one is in english : "Torghast, Tower of the Damned"
Move "Pending Anima Power" Window
285 Installswork in progress Allows you to move that window around, to avoid overlaps with other UI elements in the center of your screen
Abby's Mythic+ Interrupt Tracker
4.8k InstallsThis WeakAura tracks all group interrupts and prioritizes them by time and when they are available. (For example, available interrupts show at the top always and interrupts on CD at the bottom.) Please also see...
Torghast | Cells Reminder
418 InstallsDon't forget your ravenous cell in your bags again! Flashing icons remind you to use the cells.
Auto Queue Signup - Accept Dungeon/Arena Signups
2.6k InstallsThis will auto Sign up when someone in your party signs up for a group, skips the "accept" and "roles" section, will work for any type of signups, all PVP, PVE, Dungeons, LFG, LFR. I...
The Box of Many Things Minimap Button 9.1
400 Installs1st click on a button will not display mouseover tooltips correctly WA to display Torghast Talent tree provided by the Box of Many Things This is default Talent Frame
301 InstallsExtremely simple icon that displays the damage value stored for Catharstick.
简易典狱长之眼 Simple Eye of the Jailer
3k InstallsAuthor:斩梦人天天(艾德里安干将 @ 罗宁 CN Server) Simple Eye of the Jailer Features Showing current threat tier and details Customizing color at different threat tiers Hiding Blizzard's eye of the Jailer to save screen space Animating amount...
Chaos Bane
350 InstallsDisplays the current stacks, stat bonus and remaining duration of the Chaos Bane Shard of Domination Bonus