World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
C'thun/Cthun Stomach Sync
4.4k InstallsSyncs tentacle health and players in stomach within raid during C'thun encounter. Players outside the stomach can only see stomach tentacle health if players inside the stomach have the WA and vice versa. DBM incorporated...
Tems' AQ Pack
3.4k InstallsA Discord has been setup to allow for a much easier communication regarding feedback and pushing updates: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install, remove any old version of this by deleting Group & Children then reload ui...
安其拉 BOSS+小怪 重要技能提醒
7.4k Installs这个版本没有团队通知,需要团队通知的可以使用 NGA: 包含哨兵 守望者 防御者技能提醒 会狂暴的boss血量预警 重要boss技能CD 比如双子传送 公主翼龙钉刺 克苏恩触须召唤等 致命debuff检测方便 比如瘟疫 催化剂 boss的debuff等 其中哨兵技能 自动标记 小软攻击次数 来自 “AQ40 Helper” 克苏恩距离提醒来自
AQ40 - The Prophet Skeram - Real or Fake target
2.1k InstallsShows if your target is the real or fake Skeram. Enable/disable raid marks in Curstom Options
1.8k Installs1 显示克苏恩连线顺序,用来找出谁站位错误的。原理:克苏恩眼棱伤害是按顺序逐渐增加的,因此根据眼棱原始伤害,可以判断眼棱连接顺序,并且显示受到伤害玩家的队伍和职业,方便找出站位错误害死人的玩家。 2 还可以在战斗结束后输出记录日志,方便复盘(罚款)。在自定义选项处有详细设置,请仔细观看。 3 默认情况下,只会在打克苏恩时才自动进入战斗,战斗结束时会自动发送记录日志,并且战斗结束会自动清除日志。如果是团灭,可能会造成发送的日志不完整。可以对‘载入’选项卡最底下的BOSS ID前面勾去掉,这样平时就进行记录。 4 更多配置请看自定义选项卡。
Classic Auto Marker
679 InstallsClassic mouseover Auto Marker for raid trash and boss adds. Will mark mobs according to the player defined priorities in custom options. Once a mark is applied it gets locked for use. Marks gets unlocked...
1.6k Installs用于在炸小软水滴时对周围10码目标数量进行监控,达到目标数量会进行图标显示和音效提醒,把握释放地精工兵炸药和AOE技能。 需要打开血条设置,请注意设置。某些插件会屏蔽血条,请注意。
1.4k InstallsThis will display how many Globs of Viscidus are within sapper range, only during the Viscidus encounter. You MUST have enemy name plates visible for this to work. - Check Custom Options to toggle sounds.
Pat's Cause Insanity +say
309 InstallsSpams in /say "Mind Controlled" when you get mind controlled by a Qiraji Mindslayer in AQ40. This also works for the Mind Control that The Prophet Skeram puts on people
AQ40 补充模块
4.6k InstallsMost triggers only apply to Chinese clients, unless translate it yourself. Anubisath Defender 提示阿努比萨斯防御者(双子前5狗) 含:反射(即火奥或冰暗)/AOE(即雷霆或暗影风暴)/特殊技能(即流星或瘟疫) - 2020/08/09 15:50 修好了!!! Syreth C'thun Warning (材质) 来自 现在作者不知出于什么原因已经隐藏了导入。 需要自行设置周围有多少个玩家时变红。推荐远程1个,近战2个。 2020/8/8 木鱼声干掉了。 Glow Sheep Frames (图标) 修改自buds的BWL提示。 Real...
AQ40 信息列表
4.1k InstallsMost triggers only apply to Chinese clients, unless translate it yourself. (已修正,功能正常使用,参照以下说明)Anubisath Sentinel (文本) -2020/8/13 正确的使用方法是:发呆。 现在可以自动显示了 不用鼠标滑过了…… CC helper (进度条) 被心控玩家的列表。 进度条为红色,如果同时有"变形术","致盲","恐惧术","心灵尖啸","破胆怒吼","死亡缠绕","驱散射击","制裁之锤","冰冻陷阱效果","诱惑",等,进度条会变为绿色。 - 2020/8/7 15:33 加入了职业着色。 Flesh Tentacle Health Info (进度条) 血肉触须内场血量提示,团队内安装的人越多,越准确,1个人装基本没用。 之前会报错,但是不影响使用,现在限定为克苏恩启用。 -...
Automatically link loot
683 InstallsAutomatically links loot in raid chat when you're master looter (Or if you change settings to announce all the time) Settings found in custom options historycount: Keep track of the guid of the last N...
775 Installs用于通报谁开了中立的虫子,以下行为不会通报,打了双子召唤的虫子,打了add过来主动打了人的虫子。每次有人开怪,都会在团队频道或者密语频道内发送通报,可在自定义页面内设置此行为。 默认设置下,由于勾上BOSS ID指定只在开打双子才会载入此WA,战斗结束或者 人物死亡 会发送一次完整的日志通报,之后会清除日志。 在载入页面最底下可以勾除BOSS ID选项来在平时开启。 在自定义页面内可进行配置操作。 当有人对你密语'请求开虫日志',会在团队频道发送开虫日志。由于默认配置是打双子的时候自动载入,需要发送日志的话请在‘ 载入页面’最下面的BOSS ID项勾取消掉,这样就变成一直载入,然后你就能密语发送日志了。
AQ40 技能提示
3.9k Installsbased on Tems' AQ Pack
Viscidus Sapper Range Check
658 InstallsModified fork of that uses an icon with text overlay instead of just text. This will display how many Viscidus blobs are in sapper/AOE range.
AQ40 Trash Notes
1.8k InstallsText based notes for the trash packs in AQ40. Each note will trigger when the associated trash packs are targeted. Credit to /preggit on Reddit for the amazing written guide he put together. AQ40 In...
Raid CD Tracker
1.4k InstallsThis WA is a work-in-progress. Right now the WA assumes that a person does not have any spells on CD when it detects them for the first time. Also be aware that if you log...
Viscidus Freeze Count
1.4k InstallsTrack freezing and shattering attacks for Viscidus. Untested until gates open for me Tuesday AM. Update: It works perfectly for the freeze x/200 count, shatter does not work yet. Some notes: All wands are assumed...
Raidmarks HP Tracker
701 InstallsTracks the HP of units with a raidmark and displays how many players target that unit. The HP can only be updated if someone in the raid has the marked unit as a target/is the...
1)Nameplate MC/WW
1.2k InstallsShows a red circle beneath the nameplate if the Unit is MC'd or gets a Whirlwind Buff and smaller Circles inside for CC, includes duration. target is MC'd = circle red and is Hard-CC'd during...