World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Warrior Trinket Management
2 InstallsProvides a visual trinket icon onscreen, with a countdown, when trinkets are less than 45s from coming off CD. This is used to alert the user to swap active trinkets in to have them ready...
Raid Debuffs Cyrus
2 InstallsShows easily applicable raid debuffs that are missing as well as proc based debuffs which are active.
1 Installs用脚打第一 狂暴战 竞速团 WCL 演示视频: 安装配置教程 链接: 提取码:npr7
War Effort Bars Group - Alliance [FR]
0 InstallsTraduction FR
Паладин расходники
0 InstallsИзбыточный список необходимых вещей и расходников для рейдовой недели. Можно включать/выключать позиции, а так же изменять количество предметов.
Botka Raid Item Tracker
0 Installsconsumables, mounts, item reminder
Paywall's pay to win list
0 InstallsA consume list for fury prot tanks that only shows what you are missing to avod clutter.
Classic Pala - Buff-/Infoleiste
0 InstallsEine Übsersicht über fehlende Buffs(Tränke, Buff-Food und Waffenbuff), sowie der Hinweis wenn Richturteil und Hammer der Gerechtigkeit bereit ist.
Rogue AQ40 Cheat Sheet
0 InstallsJust a shitty little cheat sheet to remind myself what I should be using, and when.
Rogue Trinkets by Authiel@EU-Skullflame
1 InstallsI made this WA with inspiration from a warrior WA. It tracks your CD on battle chicken and Renataki trinket. If they are not equipped it turns the alpha down, and it is click able...
AQ40/NAXX - Key/Word Alert [RU]
0 InstallsFork ----- Добавлено оповещение о поднятом ключе или свитке в чат. ===== Russian language. =====
Pat's Int Shout Reminder
1 InstallsPuts a reminder icon on your screen when Intimidating Shout is not on cooldown and you are targeting one of the following mobs: 1. Qiraji Slayer 2. Qiraji Champion 3. Qiraji Mindslayer 4. Kel'thuzad
AQ40 Trash spanglish Chuleta interactiva
0 InstallsChuleta interactiva de los pull de AQ40
Raid Buffs
0 InstallsShows you an icon below your map when your buffs are down
No Cleave On Bug Trio
0 InstallsNo Cleave On Bug Trio Pops up if you queue Cleave during Bug Trio!
Bug Counter (Fork)
0 InstallsShares the amount of AQ bug parts you have to other guildies who have this Weakaura. Will also show your guild's SL rep. Fork of that sorts the list by player name instead of...
Group Inviter
0 InstallsWA to automatically set up your raid based on a pre-filled table in Excel
Wad || Warlock Tanking Buffs (All inclusive)
0 InstallsOriginal I made was for my guild and the ones we use. Included Blood Pact and Shadow Aura.