World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Tems' Loss of Control Effects
1.9k InstallsA Discord has been setup to allow for a much easier communication regarding feedback and pushing updates: https://discord.gg/wfNYzsk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install, remove any old version of this by deleting Group & Children then reload ui...
Instance History (with 24 hour lockout)
928 InstallsFork of Instance History The following changes were made: Added 30 instances per day lockout to the text. Also saves the 24 hour data separately. Displays the timeline of the instances in the past 24...
Instance History (Extended)
961 InstallsFork of Fear#1113's Instance History (https://wago.io/OXlZupyKm). Added the display of instance run time, so you can track how long you spent in each individual instance. See screenshot
Raidmarks HP Tracker
701 InstallsTracks the HP of units with a raidmark and displays how many players target that unit. The HP can only be updated if someone in the raid has the marked unit as a target/is the...
Group interrupt tracker
512 InstallsTracks Kick, Shield Bash, Pummel, Counterspell, Earth Shock, and Spell Lock of people in your group or raid.
Instance History Extra
428 InstallsForked from Instance History. Changes from the original WeakAura: 30 instance per day limit added. If the number of instances entered in the last hour is less than the display threshold, the progress bar displays...
Combat Timer
4.7k InstallsCombat Timer This WA is an improved version of the timer from EXRT. This was ported from Retail, the boss specific features based on ENCOUNTER_START / ENCOUNTER_END may not work (It would reset the timer...
Sacrifice Warning
132 InstallsWarns you when Zevrim Thornhoof is about to cast Sacrifice on you, so you can LoS/reflect/whatever.
What Pulled?
210 InstallsWhat Pulled? This WA will show you when someone in your group pulls a mob. It shows who hit the mob, and what they hit it. There is some bugs, its a WIP! Please look...
Mage Monitor
945 InstallsTracks mages casts, CDs and targets. * Auto-detect mages in raid * Display casts, target names and raid icons * Display AP, Combustion, PI and trinket usage * Auto-detect Frostbolt/Fireball cast duration * Cast speed...
Threat Percentage
593 InstallsShows your threat percentage, 100% = aggro. Some code taken from here: https://wago.io/9qBCTJSAt
Nayni's Healer Mana Monitor
1.8k InstallsA RE-WRITE OF THIS WA HAS BEEN UPLOADED TO: https://wago.io/AtPgXi-gL INCLUDING WAY MORE CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS! Nayni's Healer Mana Monitor Simple mana monitor that tracks healer's mana across your raid. Usable in raid/party/solo content. Options In...
Nameplate Threat Differentials
301 InstallsCalculates the threat difference between you and the party/raid member with the most threat (aside from you). This delta is displayed next to each mob's nameplate and is colored according to threat status -- Securely...
123 Installs显示当前团队中有哪些人的目标是你。
Lefty Aids Warning
0 InstallsGives a huge, centered warning when you get the Debuff from either the gnome or the chewie from the T0.5 encounter in BRD.
Loot Spy
313 InstallsDisplay loot alerts for items of your choosing. Filter by rarity, keyword and if everyone passed an item. Probably works for retail as well, please leave a comment if you can help me test! *...
55 InstallsAuto Deletes the following items when looted into your bag (Only loads within Maraudon): Gelatinous Goo, Lifeless Stone, Shiny Polished Stone, Slimy Ichor, Deeprock Salt, Lifeless Stone, Gelatinous Goo, Slimy Ichor, Core of Earth, Moonberry...
Threat Bar with time until aggro
80 InstallsThreatbars for you and your pet, with display of time until you pull aggro. The tank and your current threat per second gets extrapolated to calculate when you will pull aggro, so it might be...
Cursor GCD
337 InstallsShows Global Cool Down and works as the normal circle cursor
Hardcore BFD Requirements (Sarthe)
3 InstallsHardcore BFD Dungeon Requirements from www.twitch.tv/sarthe