World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
[zLMM] • Zippy's Loot Method Monitor & Switcher (Classic + Retail)
225 InstallsThis WA displays 1. a dot indicating if you are the party leader (green dot), not the party leader (red dot) or solo (grey dot) as well as 2. a text displaying the current loot...
Tribute Run
56 InstallsTalks to the Guards and picks up the buffs. Currently only works with EN client.
ExpHelper V1.3_en
62 InstallsTranslated ExpHelper V1.3 aura created by wking@NGA
Healing Reduction - Frame Glow
263 InstallsThis WA will glow around your raid frames when a player in your raid or party is afflicted with a healing reduction debuff. There are 5 different colors in a green to red color scale...
[Classic] Instance Lockouts
344 InstallsBasic progress bar timers to display 1 hour upon resetting an instance. Things to note are: 1- Only displays if you're the party leader 2- Doesn't work if you're doing any sort of logout reset...
Aggro Notification
248 InstallsDisplays a flashing notification when you've lost aggro on the selected target. Useful when cycling through targets to check what mobs you need to taunt/regain aggro on. It combines greatly with Nameplate Colors (
Shield (Mana Shield, Ice Barrier, Power Word: Shield, Forst Ward, Fire Ward)
72 Installscount the talents, or items they increase they absorb
Naynis Healer Mana Monitor
223 InstallsNayni's Healer Mana Monitor (V2) A robust and configurable Mana monitor for healers in raid/party. This WeakAura is implemented using a Dynamic Group and a Trigger State Updater. Options A lot of options are provided...
nan LFG
45 InstallsLooking For Group helper aura (alpha preview) This is still work-in-progress. This aura highlights LFG/LFM messages in chat to make it easier to find groups/members. E.g. if you post a "/4 LFG SM" message in...
Enervate Warning
38 InstallsWarns you when Alzzin the Wildshaper uses Enervate, so you can LoS/cleanse/whatever.
45 InstallsResets your instance as soon as possible, if you say "!reset" just before zoning out. No more frantic menu-ing while people try to kill you, just zone out and in as fast as you can....
Sigurdr - HealerBars - Dynamic mana bars of all healers
25 InstallsDynamic mana bars of all healers
Arcaezia - My Threat Bar
144 Installs***Updates coming Jan. 10th*** Configured it to work for hunters and warlock pets, but I need someone to test it for me! If you could also send a screenshot to me on discord at Arcaezia#0416...
Ultimate Instance Split Timer
41 InstallsWorking version of Instance split timer. Creates automatic split timers. Splits are created for Boss pulls, boss kills, sub zone changes and opening certain doors. Check options Throttle doesn't affect accuracy of the splits. Any...
Ultimate Weeb's Urban DMT Buff Seller
128 InstallsThis WA can: Automatically invite people who seek dire maul tribute (dmt) buffs from different channels (English search patterns, other features work on any client) Autoinvite people for "inv" or similar whispers Track respawn time...
Group XP
50 InstallsShows the XP for all party members who have this weak aura
Armor Debuffs
51 InstallsArmor Reduction Debuff Tracker for Classic. Tracks presence, stacks, and duration for Sunder Armor, Curse of Recklessness, Faerie Fire, Shatter Armor, Expose Armor, and Demoralizing Shout.
Auto Loot
109 InstallsModified version of "Auto Bijou" by Ora Only English keywords so far Set automatic rolls for certain items in common dungeons/raids or for all green items. Useful for running with guild where for instance...
TRACKER: Zippy's Field Repair Bot Bar
94 InstallsShows a progress bar, as soon as a Field Repair Bot has been placed. --> Feel free to also check out my entire UI here --> Zippy UI for Classic
39 InstallsDESIGNED FOR DPS - Not designed for, or tested for tanking Shows threat until aggro in raw threat and % of pulling threat on left hand side. Shows threat position, % of tank threat and...