World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Rezz Announcer
28 InstallsAnnounces the target you are resurrecting
68 Installs提供以下職業技能監控 戰士: 嘲諷抵抗監控 盾猛未命中監控 群嘲抵抗監控 破斧開啟監控 盾牆開啟監控 懲戒抵抗監控 獵人: 寧神命中監控 寧神未命中監控
Loot Reminder
27 InstallsReminds you if there are lootable mobs, ignores mobs with loot for lootmaster/loot to roll on (if at least one other person in the raid/party has this aura and you are not the lootmaster). Useful...
DM:T Loot Buddy
53 InstallsClickable Coffer-Looter: Adds a clickable icon when you're looting the Tribute coffer. Clicking this icon will instantly pick up all the BOPs inside, ignoring the "picking this up will bind it to you" popups. Fast-Loot...
Start/stop Combatlogs
60 InstallsOverview Starts /combatlog when entering raids and print to console. Handles reload ui and game crashes. Stops logs when zoning out of raid.
Faerie fire multitracking / Мультитрекер Волшебного огня
66 InstallsShows any (yours/others) faerie fire on engaged mobs. Dont be confused about cyrillic on screenshot. It works on any language / Показывает любой волшебный огонь на всех целях в бою
Disarm Tracker on Target
49 Installsshows duration & charactername
SM Herb Route Tracker
18 InstallsI kept forgetting which direction I was running in my SM herb route. Now you too can forget with confidence! The API can't tell the zones apart when you're inside, so the last instance location...
c1m Castbar
50 InstallsClassic version of my castbar! Orange - Can be interuppted Purple - Can not be Interuppted Blue Spark - Channeled Spell
Threat % on current target
51 InstallsThis aura shows simple threat % of current target. Requires LibThreatClassic2. Turns red after reaching 80 % of tanks threat and plays sound after 90 % - you can edit these in conditions.
Interrupt Alert
50 InstallsSimple weak aura that annouce (/say by default) when you interrupt a spell. Usefull on KT for the kick rotation. Use the "Actions" pannel to tweak it as you like.
Debuff police
18 InstallsPrints a notification every time someone is caught using a debuff that's not allowed. The allowed debuffs can be configured in the Custom Options tab. If you want the notification to go to the raid...
Classic - Head - Engineering - Goblin Rocket Helmet
44 InstallsThis weakaura only activates when you have the item equipped.
Estimated remaining fightlength
17 InstallsDisplays the estimated remaining fightlength based on raid/group-dps and enemy health.
Melee Debuff Tracker
56 InstallsTracks CoR, Sunder/IEA, Faerie Fire, Demo Shout/Roar, Thunderclap, Scorpid Sting, Screech, JoW, Mangle, Lacerate (own stacks) and Rip Orginal WA made by SolidarStar https://wago.io/5adojOzBe Modified by Natani-Venoxis
Reset Me Bro
15 InstallsIf your party leader has the popular weakaura "Instance History" installed, this allows you to use them to automatically reset instances for you. To use: Ensure your PL has "Instance History" installed, and is outside...
Instance Boost Tracker
33 InstallsInstance Boost Tracker A very simple weakaura which triggers based on WoW events to log any gold you have received. By using the 'reset' button you will reset the values on the screen and reset...
Pat's Missing Raid Buffs
5 InstallsShow's a shiny icon when your character is missing Blessing of Kings, Blessing of Might, Blessing of Salvation, Fortitude or MotW
15 InstallsInspired by https://wago.io/aDjvQB1jG/1 and edited for Mara trash items. Throttled as to not cause lag, will clean out trash items every 2s.
Gotek || Classic || Taunt Debuffs With Castername
42 InstallsTaunt Debuffs With Castername Dynamic group showing all Taunt debuffs on the target. It also shows the casters name inside the Icon. (Not shown in screenshot)