World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Sanctum of Domination (10/10 Bosses, all difficulties)
64.4k InstallsExpect updates during heroic/mythic week(s) Other WAs that might be relevant for progress: Co-Tank Auras: Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended) Install SharedMedia_Causese Restart WoW Max out master volume and enable the addon....
Sanctum of Domination Co-Tank Auras
11.7k InstallsDefault Taunt sound requires Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. "Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank...
Warmonger Shackles ExRT Assignment
10.8k InstallsAllows you to specify which chain players should grab. First name = Left chain Second name = Center chain Third name = Right chain You can obviously assign more than 3 teams. The personal Weakaura...
T28: 05 Soulrender Dormazain N/H/Mythic Pack
6.3k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Includes Causese assigner: (Don't need to download again) Make sure to setup a MRT note for list Raid Frame Highlights Green - Heal Target Yellow - Heal Target Red - Heal...
Mythic painsmith gateway timer
7.8k InstallsIncludes: Gateway reminder for focusing the gateway; will show whenever your targeting the boss Timer for 1st and 2nd intermission for when to take the gateway Don't forget to stack for adds spawning after ;)...
Soulrender Dance Helper
2.8k Installsbased on the information from u/HaleyAygee. - shows the possible combinations for the Dance on Sourlrender Dormzain Mythic - allows you to click on the numbers to filter down the next steps - click the...
05 Soulrender Dormazain Chain Assignments
4.1k InstallsAssignments for breaking chains on Soulrender Dormazain Mythic. Format: startChains {mark1}{mark2}{mark3} name1 name2 name3 name4 name5 name6 endChains
Don's Battle Ress Monitor
1.1k InstallsShows a list of bRessed people and who ressed then
05 - Torment/Encore of Torment
1.4k InstallsFIXED BY BLIZZARD! CURRENLY USELESS Place any world markers you prefer like this on the floor and select similar in the author options to match them from left to right
Soulrender - Chain Assignment Reminder
785 InstallsDescription Reminds you when your assigned chain is incoming. Instructions You must manually update this WeakAura for your chain assignment: 1. Change chain cast Trigger > Trigger 1 > Count Set this value to the...
Warmonger Shackles EHP
767 InstallsDisplays your expected remaining HP% after a Warmonger Shackle is broken. Shows during Hellscream. Requires to function ☕ Buy me a coffee
davidq Sanctum of Domination Personal Alerts
462 Installs** I will not be making an updated version for Sepulcher since I no longer play retail wow. Some people have come forward wanting to make a similar set, will put a link here if...
Gateway reminder Painsmith and Soulrender mythic
741 InstallsShows big icon and text if mythic soulrender/painsmith is targeted and gateway is not focused.
СВЯТИЛИЩЕ ГОСПОДСТВА 05 - Раздиратель Дормацайн
471 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.6 - доработаны и обновлены WA.
Spell Reflect Info and Annoucement
823 InstallsA modification of that also allows the announcement of non-damaging reflects deflect This is added as an extra option in "Custom Options" that allows you to announce deflects as well as damaging reflects.
344 Installs連續跳舞階段,指派密碼手輸入前兩次的安全點之後,會自動顯示剩餘的安全位置。 (從左到右走道 > 1234) 密碼手需在自訂選項中勾選 > 我是密碼手 才會於連續跳舞戰鬥中出現密碼按紐 (可以同時多人擔任) 財富密碼表 一、 12413 13142 14243 二、 23413 24341 三、 31424 34341 四、 41424 42414 43214
Sanctum de Domination - Raid de Shadowlands [FR]
387 InstallsPack de 172 auras sur les 10 nouveaux boss du sanctum de la Domination sur le raid principal de la mise à jour 9.1 de Shadowlands qui fonctionne sur tous les clients du jeu avec...
Soulrender Dormazain - Rendered Soul Pools
365 InstallsCountdown warning for swirlies with sound
SoD - Soulrender - Dance Steps
241 InstallsJust a list of the dance steps, triggers during cast
04 Warmonger Shackle ON
270 InstallsIcon telling you when you're holding chains that need to be broken