World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
DnD/VoidZone Projected Textures Automations
2.4k Installs--> Algalon recently added without testing, let me know if you encounter any issue. Auto disable/enable projected textures to help distinguishing void zones within death and decay Particle density can also be lowered in custom...
Kel'Thuzad Frostbolt Interrupts
2.7k InstallsShows the Kick icon when it's your group's turn to interrupt. Select your interrupt group on custom options. If you also want to know when it's going to be your turn, you can try
Shadow Fissure/Void Zone Warner
2.5k InstallsDisplays a text and plays a sound when the Void Zone on 4HM or Shadow Fissure on KT gets cast on you. If someone is standing close enough to you that you'll get affected by...
KT Shackle Tracker
1.2k InstallsWill show who shackled a Guardian of Icecrown and call you an idiot if you try shackling a 4th. It will also print who is the priest about to break the shackles.
Kel'Thuzad Interrupt
417 Installsfork of by @Hoppy#21153 that will work for any locale
Kel'Thuzad CC Tracker
338 Installs* Crowd control bars for mind controlled players Purple bar = Mind controlled player, not crowd controlled Yellow animated bar = Your crowd control White bar = Other players crowd control Yellow bar background =...
Frost Blast Raid Glow
370 InstallsFrost Blast Raid Glow Makes your frames glow if someone has Frost Blast
Pat's KT Alerts
252 Installs- Put a message in /say when you get Ice Tombed on KT - For mages, put a "Sheep Someone" text message and mind control icon on your screen for the 3 seconds after KT...
Interrupt Rotation - Kel'Thuzad
165 InstallsHelps manage the interrupt rotation for Kel'Thuzad Inspired by: Interupt Rotation Features: - Customizable number of groups/players in the interrupt rotation - Shows which group is currently interrupting and whether they succeeded (green) or failed...
Void Zone / Shadow Fissure Alert
150 InstallsWhen a Void Zone or Shadow Fissure is cast on you: * Glows the bottom of your screen purple * Plays audio alert Support at:
KT Shadow Fissure
163 InstallsShows a warning message when a shadow fissure is cast. If it is cast on you then an air horn will sound. If it is cast on someone nearby, the air horn will also sound....
Kel'Thuzad - Shadow Fissure Warning
129 InstallsWarning for when Void Zone spawns *anywhere* on the floor during KT with sound alert to remind you to check your feet.
Frost Blast Raid Frame Glow
1.2k InstallsAdaptation of Highlights the raid frame of anyone affected by Frost Blast on the Kel'Thuzad encounter.
Chains of Kel'Thuzad CD
108 Installs* A number countdown until next possible Chains of Kel'Thuzad. * When the ability is off cooldown, whisper all mages in the raid (Custom Option) Support at:
Interupt Rotation
706 InstallsAerx Interupt helper Originally made for KT in classic, updated to support any boss. MUST be configured under custom options! Video showing it in action, explaining configuration under "Custom Options": Current versions default setup...
Frost Res Totem range/missing
111 InstallsThis weakaura is only enabled during the Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad encounters. - If you only want this enabled during Sapphiron, then you can go into the "Load" option, scroll down and remove the "1114" which...
Mind Control Nameplate
58 InstallsPuts a circle on a mind controlled player
Sapphiron / Kel'Thuzad Anti-Frost
80 Installs* Frost Ward cooldown (If buff is not active) * Frost Protection Potion cooldown (If buff is not active and pot is in bags) * Petrified Scarab cooldown (If item is equipped) Loads on Sapphiron...
Raid_Naxx Various Alerts (Razu, Sapph, KT)
76 InstallsPackage of alerts for Naxx bosses Razuvious, Sapphiron, KT. Does the following: -SFX/GFX when razuvious casts shout and it is safe to go back into LOS -GFX for 4Horsemen Thane meteor alerter -SFX/GFX when you...
Kelthuzad Fissure Cast
61 InstallsWeakaura to warn you when a Fissure is being cast. When you see the icon look at your feet, if there is a fissure there, move! There is a better weakaura than this one, but...