World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Envv - HC+ Pack for Titan Rune Dungeons (Alpha/Beta)
1.2k InstallsEnvv's HC+ Pack Features - Shows descriptions for all Empowered Runes when interacting with the Mysterious Device before starting a Titan Rune Dungeon. - Warnings for every Empowered Rune - Special warning for Blood of...
Titan rune Dungeons (Alfa/Beta)
303 InstallsTitan rune dungeons. This addon gives you the basic information about titan rune mechanics . here with a clean UI to completely help you in your journey . titanrune #Heroicplus #Heroic+ #Heroic++ #H+ #H++...
Exo's Argent Tournament Automation
1 InstallsExo's Argent Tournament Automation Features: Autoaccept/complete Argent Turnament Dailies that reward badges Autoselect Champion's Purse (default) or Champion's Writ Autochallenge mounted npcs to quickly start duels Everything mentioned above can be turned on/off individually
Trial of the Champion Banana Sound
4 InstallsPlay banana sound
Envv - TOC Mount Defend Stacks
16 InstallsDefend stacks on mount in TOC Shows the number of stacks clearly in the top of your screen to better keep track during fights. Works when mounted in: Trial of the Champion Trial of the...
Exo's Argent Tournament Collection
16 InstallsExo's Argent Tournament Collection Features: Autoaccept/complete Argent Turnament Dailies that reward badges Autoselect Champion's Purse (default) or Champion's Writ Shows clickable Purse/Supplies Icons to quickly open them Shows a clickable lance icon near quest locations...
Wrath Dungeon Auto Marker
129 InstallsAutomarker for Tanks in Wrath Dungeon Still checking Mob Names and IDs, check progress below. Utgarde Keep - Done Azjol-Nerub - Done Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom - Done The Nexus - Done Drak'Tharon Keep -...
Lance Equipped!
0 InstallsA very simple WeakAura that shows you if your Argent Lance is equipped in combat.
Lance - Weapon reminder
22 InstallsReminds you to equip your weapon, when your character is not in a vehicle and has a Lance equipped or an empty Mainhand. U can edit this WA to only load within "The Trial of...
Plaqueqt- WotLK Classic - Dungeon Nameplate Glow's
53 Installs*This Weakaura Dont change your Nameplates, it only Adds Glows/Progressbars on/above your Nameplates in the Following situations: ** Wrath of the Lichking: Dungeon Nameplate Glow's ** on Important Casts like Heal Casts, Heavy Damage Casts,...
Raid mode warning
12 InstallsChecks if you're in raid mode while in a dungeon to prevent not completing heroday quests (: