World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
5.9k InstallsTBC-P3阶段-黑庙副本技能监控WA字符串 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 本WA字符串禁止 露露缇娅-维克尼拉斯 转载或使用! 备战WLK,诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” TBC-群号:718174332 进群口令:插件WA交流(已满隐藏) WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 本群组已经momo大佬授权,从0.7版本开始整合他的部分作品: TBC-P3-黑庙-WA高亮说明 1号-高阶督军纳因图斯 红色高亮——中穿刺之脊的玩家 黄色高亮——破盾之前血量低于8500的玩家,如果没有黄色高亮可以破盾 2号-苏普雷姆斯 橙色高亮——受到火山伤害的玩家 4号-塔隆·血魔 红色高亮——中死亡之影的玩家,术士绑灵魂石 黄色高亮——中烧尽的玩家,及时驱散 5号-血沸 黄色高亮——最新的一轮5位吃血沸的玩家,上一轮吃到血沸的会消失 红色高亮——血沸吃到两层或以上的玩家 绿色高亮——被点名邪能狂怒(变身的)的玩家 6号-灵魂之匣 红色高亮——P1阶段被注视的玩家,牧师套盾 红色高亮——P3阶段中敌意的玩家,注意加血 7号-莎赫拉丝主母 红色高亮——中连线的玩家 8号-伊利达雷议会 红色高亮——盗贼BOSS当前非T目标玩家(如果目标是T不会高亮) 绿色高亮——中毒的玩家...
1.3k InstallsSW字符串+SW语音包,网盘下载: 基于Tems' SWP Pack v2.0.2翻译和补充的SW中文版合集,整合了Ripper和Crouton的两个子项目。 英文原版: Tems(Tems' SWP Pack) Ripper(KalecgosSync), Crouton(spectral blast portal target), 翻译&语音提示:露露緹婭@Bilibili,,翻译部分Tems已授权,转载请保留出处。 中文版存在大量的个人向修改与新增项目,具体见子项目名称/备注。 需要Weakauras插件版本至少为4.0方可正常使用。 中文版内容: 【Tems】SW技能监控中文版-屏幕中心 【Tems】SW技能监控中文版-左侧图标 【Ripper】SW蓝龙 内场名单 【其他】SW技能监控中文版-中心靠左 【露露】TBC SW&BT可点击宏 v4.1 【副本】常用关键技能合集 v2.2 中文版问题反馈方式: B站: NGA发布帖: 语音WA预览视频: SW6号基尔加丹: SW5号穆鲁: SW4号艾瑞达双子:
TBC mag1cx - Teron Gorefiend / Vengeful Spirit Skill HUD
374 InstallsA simple HUD for the 3 important Vengeful Spirit (Ghost form at Teron Gorefiend) Skills at the middle of your Screen, right underneath your Character. Shows Spell, Cooldown etc. I recommend combining those 3 important...
Teron Shadow of Death
344 InstallsDisplays a progress bar with the duration of Shadow of Death and does a chat message if you get it. Displays a text for you "Run now" when its 13 seconds left of the debuff...
Jeyp's BT WA
291 InstallsA set of WA for BT : - Trashs : Audio warning when Priestess of Torment casts a Shell of Pain while you are in melee - Trashs : Glow on target of L5 Arcane...
[TBC] (Clickable) Teron Gorefiend - Shadow of death
87 InstallsLeave your pet bar . remove your macro's . install this WeakAura. -enjoy it
Teron Cast Break
56 InstallsWarns hunters and mages to feign death/ice block to break Teron's cast.
Teron Shadow of Death Warning
452 InstallsWarns you when Shadow of Death starts casting on you, so you can avoid it in time with Feign Death or Vanish.
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Refresh Demonslaying
93 InstallsReminds you to refresh Demonslaying if it's close to falling off or has fallen off during a fight Plays a sound when there are 10 seconds left
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
Missing Elixir of Demonslaying
26 InstallsShows you when you're targetting a demon boss if you're missing Elixir of Demonslaying
Auto-equip BT Neck and Rocket Boots
14 InstallsAuto-equips BT neck upon death of Archimonde and Teron Gorefiend. Auto-equips Rocket Boots (Xtreme or Xtreme Lite) upon death of HWL Naj'entus, Shade of Akama, Teron Gorefiend, and Reliquary of Souls.
BT - Gorefiend - Equip Neck!
5 Installsequip bt teleport neck prior to gorefiend in black temple
Teron Gorefiend - SoD
13 InstallsShows a warning if Teron Gorefiend targets you and is casting Shadow of Death. YOU NEED TO TARGET TERON GOREFIEND
|| H || Any Boss || Demonslaying Elixir || Ru Client
6 InstallsДанная WeakAura проверяет выполнение трех условий: - Отсутствие на игроке активного бафа от Эликсира истребления демонов - Текущая цель является демоном - Текущая цель является боссом При выполнении трех этих условий одновременно отображает иконку бафа....
|| H || Black Temple Trash Requirements || Ru Client
1 InstallsАдаптировано под ру-клиент Оригинальная ВАшка: v1.0.2