World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Tems' ZA Pack
3k InstallsA Discord has been setup to allow for a much easier communication regarding feedback and pushing updates: Do note that this is a pre-release build and a more stable release will be available on...
Badge of Justice Reminder (TBC Phase 1-4)
1.6k Installs**********THIS IS OBSOLETE USE INSTEAD********* Displays an icon after a boss dies to remind you to loot the Badge of Justice (BoJ) Fork of with phase 4 encounters included (except Doomlord Kazzak and...
GDF ZA package(by momo)
324 Installs纳洛拉克 撕裂单位高亮 埃基尔松 电能风暴倒计时 强风(上天)目标高亮 静电瓦解目标高亮 加亚莱 烈焰吐息目标高亮 妖术领主玛拉卡斯 打断圣光术、快速治疗提示 奉献、火焰雨洗澡高亮 奉献自保 祖尔金 重伤投掷高亮 火焰之柱受伤高亮 依然推荐搭配俏俏WA一起使用
Loot the Badge (BoJ) - wotlk update
450 Installsonly works on English client , for other lang change untrigger in trigger 1 , "Badge of Justice" to whatever
Badge of Justice Loot Reminder Phase 5
324 InstallsReminds you to pick up Badge of Justice when needed. Works for all heroic instance and raid instance bosses that drops Badge of Justice for TBC Phase 5. You can turn off the sound effect...
ZA Auto-Roll
178 InstallsAuto-Roll on Amani Hex Stick for Zul'Aman. Set roll options in Custom Options
Shariva's ItemRack/GearQuipper Switcher Suite TBC
96 InstallsYou can find the Wotlk version here: This is based on the Classic Vanilla WeakAura by Zippy: A video explaining the WeakAura: This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment...
Corrupted Lightning Totem Alert
42 InstallsCorrupted Lightning Totem Alert For Halazzi in Zul'Aman
Hex Lord Malacrass - Consecration
42 InstallsWarns you when Hex Lord Malacrass casts Consecration, which hits for 1800-2700 damage per tick.
Zul'Aman Trash Requirements
56 Installsoriginal Black Temple Trash Requirements WA:
Blood of Zul'jin Status
53 InstallsDisplays "Completed" or "Not Completed" on the tooltip for the Blood of Zul'jin.
神聖小喵 BCC副本计时 组合包
53 Installs功能 首领击杀:记录每个boss的击杀时间,以及当场总体耗时和boss战间隔时间 全程计时:统计全程耗时 随机词缀(娱乐向):副本开启后,随机生成4个有趣的词缀 限时通关(娱乐向):副本结束后,显示 史诗钥匙 限时升级 数据重置(手动):输入 #tr 或 #timerreset 手动重置数据 数据重置(自动):副本结束状态下,再次击杀被视为“首波小怪”的怪物会自动重置数据
Highlight raid frame with important debuff (P5)
230 InstallsFork of "Highlight raid frame with important debuff" by kala ( GO DOWNLOAD HIS WA, ITS THE ORIGINAL ONE Since kala updated his WA again for P5 content, this just remains for me since I...
Rotation Twister 1.7 -- with icons [Fixed for ZA patch]
Noobs.speedrun timer
74 InstallsNoobs.speedrun timer 特性 和WCL规则保持同步,在每个副本载入对应的竞速规则并创建计时条 支持离线存储,支持掉线、出本、重置继续计时,并自动记录最佳成绩 在关键节点完成对应单位的击杀后,更新展示进度反馈 支持中、英文切换 安装 依赖 WeakAuras-ItemUseStores 插件(作者 HopeAsd)用于离线存储数据,将该插件放置在World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\Addons 下面 插件维护地址 需要导入公会logo材质文件Noobs.tga,并放置在 World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\ 下面 素材为tga格式,大小为 256x256 大退以保证插件、材质载入 /wa 找到本WA,在组配置项里修改锚点、坐标、缩放,在自定义选项里修改语言 如果需要手动调整预置时间,可以在副本对应的子WA>动作>初始化里,修改每个boss的时间,单位是秒 boss时间可用CLA、NoobsWCLAnaylizer等工具来导出计算 控制 重新开始计时条 /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("SPEEDRUN_RESTART",true) 重置计时条和历史记录 /run...
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
Loot the Badge Re-Loaded P5
53 InstallsThis Weak Aura reminds you to Loot the Badge of Justice from All heroic Bosses. It also reminds you to loot the badge from Raid Encounters that had a badge of justice added to the...
Raid Consumables Holy Priest Version (updated for P4)
40 Installsbased on Edit consumables & amount of certain consumables in the actions tab. If you want to add new consumables, just make a new line and copy the name and ID from the wowhead...
Physical DPS Mob Debuffs
29 InstallsHelps track sunders, IEA, demo shout/roar, Thunderclap, Faerie Fire, Curse of Recklessness, Hunter's Mark
Oh No, Warlocks
27 InstallsA little something when a tiny (lesser magical class) warlock die! Ohhhh noooo Only loads in raid