World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
Sanctum of Domination (10/10 Bosses, all difficulties)
64.4k InstallsExpect updates during heroic/mythic week(s) Other WAs that might be relevant for progress: Co-Tank Auras: Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended) Install SharedMedia_Causese Restart WoW Max out master volume and enable the addon....
Runic Affinity ExRT List
62.3k InstallsMake sure you have the latest update before commenting. use colored names 10 random players are debuffed on mythic and only 6 need to primarily play the mechanic, the rest is backup (hibernate icon, see...
Runic Affinity ExRT Personal
38.6k Installs is necessary for the weakaura to personally notify you. you can make a macro and add this code to it /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("CAUSESE_CHATSPAM", "nil") Whenever you press the macro, it will automatically spam your mark...
Remnant: Mass Dispel Cast
17.1k InstallsGiant bar for when a Priest in your raid is casting Mass Dispel.
!The Tarragrue - Anima Powers
18.6k InstallsButton:
Interrupt Anchoring (MRT ONLY)
9.9k InstallsWhats new - spell Id can be added to note, raiders don't have to import the weakaura anymore every tier.. - assigned player's names no longer have to be in class colors - it now...
Hellrix's Runic Affinity ExRT Personal
22.1k InstallsThis WA is an alternative to the "Runic Affinity ExRT Personal" aura written by Causse. For the aura to work, it is necessary to also have the "Runic Affinity ExRT List" WA ( Calling for...
Painsmith Halcyon Glow Nameplate of Spiked Ball
21k InstallsGlows the nameplate of the 7th (middle) Spiked Ball, you can change which one to glow in custom options You can change the look of the glow in custom options
Sanctum of Domination Co-Tank Auras
11.7k InstallsDefault Taunt sound requires Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. "Sound at x stacks" plays the sound when your Co-Tank...
Malevolence Helper
19.8k InstallsChecks whether you should do the Massdispel or Pingpong strategy for dealing with Malevolence. It will tell you either "Pingpong" or "Massdispel" Massdispel = atleast 1 debuffed player has a spell to survive from being...
Frostbound Devoted Fixate Anchor To Nameplate
12.9k InstallsDON'T PUT IT IN A DYNAMIC GROUP Anchor position can be adjusted in the display tab. It reveals which unit is fixating you.
Warmonger Shackles ExRT Assignment
10.8k InstallsAllows you to specify which chain players should grab. First name = Left chain Second name = Center chain Third name = Right chain You can obviously assign more than 3 teams. The personal Weakaura...
Interruptorder Anchoring (Reworked)
11.2k InstallsThe weakaura anchors the current interruptorder to the specified unit's nameplate. Interrupts or succeeded casts increase the counter by 1. The weakaura is not pre-configured, so you need to add npcID and spellID. How to...
T28: 08 Fatescribe Roh-Kalo N/H/Mythic Pack
8.8k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Includes Reloe Affinity assigner. For phase 3 assignment, ONE PLAYER in your raid needs to have this aura imported: No MRT note is needed, priority system is based on raid positioning...
Word of Recall - USED CALLS LIST
6.1k InstallsShows all the calls that were used so far once Skyja appears. - The list is resetted after the "Word of Recall" cast succeeds. - The list will start flashing during the cast. It basically...
T28: 10 Sylvanas Windrunner N/H/Mythic Pack
9.8k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! If you have issues importing, /reload UI before import and again after importing so it moves from cache to folders. Mythic Notes: Blue, Purple, Orange bait timers (Veil) ability can very up...
T28: 07 Guardian of the First Ones N/H/Mythic Pack
7k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Triangles indicate your assigned position for Threat Neutralization during Energizing Link Raid Frame Highlights Yellow - Heal Target Red - Heal/Pacified
Wailing Arrow WAIT/DONE
8.9k InstallsDon't be the guy that returns too early with Wailing Arrow. Shows you a WAIT when your Wailing Arrow debuff fades, and a DONE when it actually hits you. ☕ Buy me a coffee
T28: 02 The Eye of the Jailer N/H/Mythic Pack
5.7k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Deathseeker's HP Difference Green - Ahead Red - Behind Raid Frame Highlights Yellow - Heal Target Red - Bleed Target Blue - Dispel
T28: 01 The Tarragrue N/H/Mythic Pack
4.2k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Raid Frame Highlights Blue - Magic Dispel Purple - Feared Yellow - Heal Target Red - Chains of Eternity Target Other good WAs Shows everyones powers: