World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
<Pescorus> Runic Affinity
2.1k InstallsAutomatic Runic Affinity assignment, including backups in phase 3 through a clickable raid leader aura. How to use Everyone should get this aura. Everyone should get One person should get Features • Assigns...
03 The Nine Fragment Chat Announce
2.6k InstallsTracks Fragments of Destiny Debuff on player for the fight The Nine in SoD. Tells the players with debuff how to position. Look at the screenshots. Includes: - Sound and Icon Pop Up when Debuff...
Wailing Arrow Radial Timer: Debuff Tracker
3.6k InstallsThis weakaura gives a radial expiry timer for your "Wailing Arrow" debuff on the Sylvanas encounter. This helps players nail their carefully staggered dropoff timings. Put simply: When the circle expires, you need to be...
Sanctum of Domination Bars
2k InstallsJust a few bars that complement my Raid WAs from 01 Chains of Eternity Bar (Progress Bar) 04 Malevolence Bar (Progress Bar) 06 Flameclasp Trap Bar (Progress Bar) 07 Call of Eternity Bar (Progress...
Don's Battle Ress Monitor
1.1k InstallsShows a list of bRessed people and who ressed then
Sanctum of Domination Interrupt Order Collection
2.9k InstallsNot made by me, just configured for Sanctum of Domination encounters. Original aura here made by Causese:
T28: Painsmith - Spiked Ball Marker
2.1k InstallsHere is a breakdown on the development of this Weak Aura. This Weak Aura will highlight the nameplate of the center Spiked Ball in the Painsmith fight. It also has the option to set...
Painsmith Halcyon Character Marker Intermission
2k Installsshows an indicator on your character during painsmith intermissions visual can be changed in display tab
<Pescorus> Runic Affinity (personal)
1.8k InstallsShows you your personal Runic Affinity assignment. If you are assigned to a ring, you continually yell the ring number/mark. Does not work without
Sylvanas Mythic - Echoes LaughingSkull
2.1k InstallsEchoes - LaughingSkull [EU] Sylvanas Mythic WeakAura Pack Auras: • [P1] Left / Right Assignments (Including /say spam) • [P1] Personal text for Arrow Debuff stacks • [P1] Sentinel NamePlate fixate icon • [P2] Banshee...
05 - Torment/Encore of Torment
1.4k InstallsFIXED BY BLIZZARD! CURRENLY USELESS Place any world markers you prefer like this on the floor and select similar in the author options to match them from left to right
Guardian Halcyon Energy Core Energy Bars
1.3k Installsshows energy bars for energy cores and boss on guardian of the first ones
Painsmith Raznal Crosshair - WHITE
2.1k InstallsPainsmith Raznal crosshairs so you can see where your character is more cleanly during this encounter Video:
SoD:06 Shadowsteel Embers Countdown
1.9k InstallsCounts down the 5 second intervals between Shadowsteel Embers spawning during the Painsmith Raznal intermissions
Kel'Thuzad Interrupt Order
1.7k InstallsEdit of Original aura made by Causese: Configured for two separate interrupts in ExRT note. For Piercing Wail assignments, use the tags "startWail" and "endWail" in your ExRT note. For Banshee's Cry, use...
Sylvanas - Veil of darkness
2.6k InstallsHuge bar on veil cast, impossible to miss.
Painsmith position marker
1.7k InstallsJust a box showing your body position for painsmith fight. Modified from the Jaina weakaura.
1.4k Installs-M難度"恐怖惡兆"接圈剩餘1秒,自動截圖至 World of Warcraft\_retail_\Screenshots (方便查找漏接圈人員) 全自動分配處理符文人員(自動過濾坦克,自動過濾團隊助理), 如果是普通模式則默認2+3隊人員處理。 (注意:普通模式下最後階段的內外圈不會自動分配,請團長自行安排) 點擊求救按鈕會自動分配候補人員前往該走道支援, 並出現相關音效(電話聲)及字幕提示。 -新增每個走道的圖標,以及白頻喊話圖標+走道編號,以及求救團頻喊話。 1-星星 2-大餅 3-紫稜 4-三角 5-月亮 6-方塊 注意事項:(關於團隊助理) 1.新增團隊助理不會被歸類為轉圈人員。 2.團隊隊長默認不是助理,因此除非隊長為坦克職業,否則會被分配轉圈。 3.如果團隊助理太多,可能會導致轉圈人員分配不足。(建議不要超過4人) 4.團隊助理的設置方法可以參考上圖3 (需取消勾選 > 讓所有人變成助理選項) 絕望參考
SoD 08 Despair Range Check Cast Bars
1.9k InstallsDespair Range Checks for both adds in Fatescribe. Plays a sound, changes color and shows border if too close.
Kel'Thuzad Frostbound Devoted target on nameplate with personal warning
1.3k InstallsShows the name of fixate target of Frostbound Devoted mobs in the Kel'Thuzad encounter (Sanctum of Domination), comes with personal warning (by default a pink glow around the nameplate and Boxing Gong sound effect) which...