World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Barbed Arrow Stacks Announcer
999 InstallsShows you how many stacks of Barbed Arrow you have, and announces your stacks when the chain arrows ("Domination Arrows") are spawning, as long as your stack count is greater than the value configured in...
Soulrender - Chain Assignment Reminder
785 InstallsDescription Reminds you when your assigned chain is incoming. Instructions You must manually update this WeakAura for your chain assignment: 1. Change chain cast Trigger > Trigger 1 > Count Set this value to the...
Aura of Spite
792 InstallsRegular swirlies timer
Painsmith crosshair/line
532 InstallsAltered from a KJ weakaura, no idea if this will be used but I made it for people with the debuff to tell where the spikes are going to hit. I'd recommend pointing your camera...
Sanctum of Domination Achor Interruptorder Collection
722 InstallsOriginal aura by Causese
Purging Protocol EHP
549 InstallsDisplays your expected remaining HP% after Purging Protocol. Shows during the cast. Requires to function ☕ Buy me a coffee
801 Installsone bar, one text, delete what you don't want.
Warmonger Shackles EHP
767 InstallsDisplays your expected remaining HP% after a Warmonger Shackle is broken. Shows during Hellscream. Requires to function ☕ Buy me a coffee
Remnant - Shatter Reminder
877 InstallsA simple WA that pops up at 1.5% HP above where the remnant starts casting Shatter to remind everyone to pop a defensive / pot if needed.
Orb of Torment List
636 InstallsDisplays a list of the people with Orb of Torment and shows how many orbs are left
429 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.3 - доработана сборка, обновлены WA.
Runic Affinity ExRT List
699 InstallsThis is a refinement of the excellent WA from Causese. The corresponding personal notification WA is here: It is nearly identical except that: Backup players get assigned to do a specific ring for...
Meowing Misery
641 InstallsDisplays an icon with countdown to drop puddle. Meows -softly- when you get Spreading Misery debuff that drops the black growing pools on the ground during split eye intermission. Spreading Misery Meow at Spreading Misery
Throw EHP
639 InstallsDisplays your expected remaining HP% after Cruciform Axe/Reverberating Hammer/Dualblade Scythe. Shows while the tank is targeted by it. Takes into account range to the targeted tank. Requires to function ☕ Buy me a coffee
04 Orb Glow
733 InstallsShows yellow pixel glow around Orb nameplate whenever a Orb loses it's Eternal Torment buff and is no longer immune to damage.
690 Installs- Malevolence timer (max time to dispell) - Suffering Cast (dps dodge, don't overlap dispels) - Nerzhul Energy (casts Suffering at 100 energy) - Nerzhul Health (shows boss HP in %)
davidq Sanctum of Domination Personal Alerts
462 Installs** I will not be making an updated version for Sepulcher since I no longer play retail wow. Some people have come forward wanting to make a similar set, will put a link here if...
547 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.2 - доработана сборка, обновлены и починены WA. Включены WA: 1) "Targeted Deathseeker's HP difference" от Causese "Око Искателя Смерти (разница ХП)" - Показывает разницу ХП...
Sanctum - Painsmith - Gate Timer
707 InstallsThis timer counts down the last 3 seconds before you're supposed to take the warlock gate and then says "Gate" right when you should click. Works with either BigWigs or Deadly Boss Mods. The SharedMedia_Causese...
Sentry Duration
461 InstallsIt shows the uptime of the sentrys once they spawn. This was requested by Anonymous via